"Greg, Bob Moore here. You can contact me at rmoore0418@hotmail.com or 806-787-1445, or Al Lieberman at alsdock@sbcglobal.net. Al is keeping up with the members and reunion plans. I do it also, Just get in touch with either of us and we'll fix you…"
"Joe - Bob Moore here. Go to page 3 of this post and you will find my post with phone number and e-mail address. Contact me and I will get you in touch with Al Lieberman. I live in Texas (central Time Zone).
"Chris, get in touch with Al or myself so we can get you on the Member Roster. We have sent out pre-registration info e-mails. You might want to catch up on what's going on.
"John..Bob Moore here. Please contact me via e-mail or phone. I have some inportant info to pass along to you. You need to do this soon due to time limits on one thing. 806-787-1445 or rmoore0418@hotmail.com"
"John, I am out of town right now. Will be bck home by Sunday. Look at the top of this page and send me an e-mail with your phone number and I will call you. I need to send you the latest info on the reunion and reservations, etc.
"Jerome...there is one person that is planning on the reunion named John Bowman. He was in 85 when they had "Spads" and was starting to transition into A-6's. I figure he was in 85 during the late 50's or eairly 60's. Maybe you know who he was."
"Hi Staige. ..I have sent an e-mail to Kim and AL to contact me. The dates for the reunion is Sept. 22,23,24 2011. I have tried to put a picture on this thing, but I can't get it to work."
"In addition to letting Bob know directly, you may want to indicate that you want to go by RSVP on NavyVets. That way others will know your status. To do that, go to Events, select Reunions and if you need to, enter VA-85 in the search window. Once…"
"Frank, I remember your name but can't put a face to it. I was in the 85th the same time you were. Contact me at: rmoore0418@hotmail.com or call me at 806 787-1445. I live in Texas. I will update you on all of the reunion stuff. I hope you will call…"
"Larry, Bob Moore (RC) here. Was in the Line Crew from '67 - '70. We have Bob Carpenter on our member roster. He did not make the reunion in 2011, but hoping he will make 2014. Go to Al Liebermans post and find my post with my e-mail and phone number…"
"Those of you that want to try to make the reunion or would like to be added to the VA-5 Roster, contact me, Bob Moore, by e-mail rmoore0418@hotmail.com or cell 806-787-1445. I know that we have told some of the new people to contact Kin Brockhoff,…"
"Way to go Kim. My check is in the mail for two of them. I sent e-mails to everyone on the member list and mailed letters to all of the ones without e-mail addresses. Hope there is a good return from the members."
hi Robert, i plan on attending the reunion in sept unless i have surgery,cant wait to see all,lots of great memories,i used to berth beside angilo mcniell,ron knapp.we have been trying to find others larry butts from dallas ron redd same and others hope we can find more of our ship mates.
Hello Robert,
I'm just getting caught up on activities and saw that you're a former A-6 Line member. How about joining us in VA-85? If you have any photos or sea stories, let's here them. - Welcome to NavyVets! - Al
I'm just getting caught up on activities and saw that you're a former A-6 Line member. How about joining us in VA-85? If you have any photos or sea stories, let's here them. - Welcome to NavyVets! - Al
I'm Bill Karr. My son Doug created this site and I help him out a bit. We hope that you enjoy it.
Be sure to upload an image of yourself. You can add your image on your Footlocker.
Click the Commands tab and search for your commands so that you can join them and add them to your page! This is how other shipmates will find you.
Invite all your shipmates!
Don't hesitate to add an event or a reunion to the Events tab!
We've also started Commands for each State. Be sure to join or add your own state!
Be sure to start up a blog post or two and tell us all about your time in the Navy!