"You guys have MUCH better memories than I do.. I can barely remember arriving at Great Lakes in July 1962 after a train ride from Minneapolis. The only thing that stands clear in my mind of that day was echoes of "You'll be sorry!" coming from…"
"Joe.. The Retroactive Stop Loss pay was only for those who were extended between 9/11/2001 and 9/30/2009.
Vietnam era vets who were extended (including myself) don't qualify."
"Happy New Year to you too Joe.. and Jerold, and Jerry, and all the rest.
Joe, I see you were in almost the same time that I was.. July 62 to Sept 66. I only had a two month extension instead of four. I managed to get in trouble during those last two…"
"HU/HC-1 from May '63 to September '66. Spent most of my tour TAD to AMD Paraloft. Made a quick side trip to the base when I took my family with me on a business trip to San Diego in 1987 or '88. It hadn't changed much.. except no helicopters."