Winchendon, MA
Birthday: August 27
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Winchendon, MA
August 27
Chief Petty Officer
Enlisted Rating
Hospital Corpsman
Where were you or your family stationed?
Boot Camp & HM A School San Diego, Ca. National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, Md. Field Medical Service School/11th Mar. Regt. Camp Pendleton, Ca. Third Medical Batt. Camp Hansen Okinawa, Japan. First Medical Batt. (TAD Nav Hosp) Camp Pendleton, Ca. Naval Undersea Medical Institute Subase Groton, Ct. (Student). USS Truxtun CGN-35 San Diego, Ca. Naval Submarine Support Facility Subase Groton, Ct. USS Truxtun CGN-35 San Diego, Ca. Naval Undersea Medical Institute Subase Groton, Ct. (Instructor).
Veteran of Foreign War
The Cold War
Current Status with the US Navy
Start date of your service
July 17, 1972
End date of your service
August 1, 1992
Thanks Chief,
Best time any 17 year old could have had... And thank you for your service also.
Thanks for the kind words Chief .. right back at you! Looks like you served your share of some tough duty over your career! From one of those who had it much easier, thank you for taking the tough jobs to balance the scales! Semper Fortis!
Thank you Chief and thanks for your service as well. My only regret concerning my time with the Navy is my own immaturity at the time. After A school in GLENCO, I went aboard the ESSEX during the time she was in the Brooklyn Navy Yard after a rough north Atlantic crossing and was welcomed and admonished by my Chief, not to fall in with the "skates" in our division. So, I immediately fell in with the skates and continued to be a screw up throughout, barely making it, by the skin of my teeth, to an honorable separation as an E2, four plus years later. I was aboard for the Le Harve, Copenhagen, Portsmouth cruise. (ain't liberty grand) I had earned an E5 rating at ROTA, but while waiting for a slot to open up, I screwed that up as well. The Navy was very good to me and very good for me and after discharge aboard the WASP, I have strived successfully to be an asset to my country through the age of 70. Also, after discharge and a bit more mature despite myself, it was my excellent good fortune to meet and marry the oldest daughter of W. E. (Bill) Shea, Lt.Col., USMC, Retired, (now deceased), who, himself was Commanding Officer of the Marine Detachment Rosy Roads during the early 60s. Needless to say, my option for screwing up went out the window when I met his daughter. It was my internet exploration of that command that led me to Navy Vets. I am living proof that all things come to he who waits, even maturity. With me as my only regret, I shall always love the U S Navy.
Semper Veritas
Thanks Chief and Thank You for your service also .
Thank, you, Lindsey for the warm welcome!
Thanks Chief!
Thank you so much for your welcome, Chief!
Thank you Chief. Pleasure to be here.
Thank you Chief. You are so rite about the Big E. I was proud to call her my home for almost 4 years. I just I could have walked her one more time. Thanks again.