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  • hey dan. long time since the Vulcan and orion. mlc perkins

  • I got married about a year after i got out of the navy,but that only lasted 3 years and i never got married again. I was engaged one other time after that but it fell through.Yeah, i wonder what ever happened to Frog,After i got out of the navy him and Jim Duncan came up to jersey and visited me but i havn"t heard from him since. I remember 2 guys that worked in the foundry with you,Tollis and junior. I gotta say those days were probably the best days that i ever had,great memories,i just wish i knew then what i know now.When you get a chance google uss vulcan,Boston overhaul 82.It"s on Talk to you later
  • I"m doing ok,I work security at Ballys in Atlantic City.I was a welder for 20 years until 2003 but for health reasons i cant do it anymore.They were some good times back in the day on Vulcan, My only regret is i didnt do 20 years. I remember that blue car you used to drive. Do you remember spending that weekend at my parents house in jersey?I"ll never forget Boston and that bar everbody hung out in called Whiteys.Great times. How you doing?
  • Hey Dan, I talked to Jay George today from the Sierra. He stayed in SC after he got out and is driving truck now. He said to tell you HI. I sent him an invite for this site maybe he will join.
  • hi Dan, I was trying to get your comment that you left me and will some how I lost it.Sometimes me and technology don't always work well together.If my computer gets to smart,or so it thinks,I know how to shut it off. So if you don't mind can you reply again Thanks
  • I was browsing through the Molder chat page and all the people other molders served and I kept thinking I think I remember this guy or I'm not sure if I remember that guy. They talk alot alot about different jobs they did during there career and I remember some but for the most part I remember hanging out with some good friends. Even though the names are a little vague its been to many years and getting older but what I remember most is the really good times. If you ever get to this side of the country I hope we can get together a catch up I may get over there someday we talk about doing some serious travel when I retire.
  • Dan,
    This is a great website, it's nice to catch up. You know how that goes you get older and want to connect back to your youth. Let me know if you and the Mrs. ever head out to S.F. maybe we can meet up.
  • Hey Danny - I talk to Todd every now and then mostly keep in touch through Facebook. Jeff lives close to San Francisco but we don't keep in touch very well. He has raised his kids and I'm just starting, I have 5, one girl, four boys (my own hockey team). Roxanne and I got in touch not long ago and I recognize one other guy on this site that is in your picture, Clark Clay but I haven't contacted him yet. Your picture was taken when Todd, Jeff, and I were at A School so we missed out on all of that fun. The only original Plank Owner foundry members in that photo are Wilson, and Hos the rest were people that came later. That was a fun group of people wasn't it? I'm glad to know that you are well and make in PA. What are you doing there for work?
  • The Navy will never be the same with Todd a chief. What did he change his rate to cuse they closed the ML rate? The last time i saw Todd, he was stationed in Kings Bay where i was. I did 12 yrs. and got out. I regret it now but at the time it was the right move. Take care. Rox
  • Yes i remember you, how are you? I have made contact with steve clark and he talks to wuerederman. Have you ever been told what happened to Lynda Alves?
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