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  • Al, have you made your reservations for September?  What day are you arriving in Va Bch?

  • I was CPO in airframes. my picture was not in yearbook because i had a detachnent at Zaragosa AFB during the 1978 cruise. I was in charge of training in fall of 79 right before i retired.
  • Hey Al, I have been trying to remember also, but heck I can't remember what I did yesterday. I was in the AE shop with JD. JD and I shared an apt. till I did the stupid move and got married......

    Yes it has been a walk through memory lane reading all the comments. the two I remember well are the Carsh in Rosey Roads and the time the A7 crashed into a fowled deck. I now work at the Indy VA hospital in the VocRehab Computer lab.

  • I sure wish i had some of those pic you have, I lost all of my navy stuff quite a few years ago due to reasons beyond my control. Oh well its fun looking at other peoples. lol How many other people have you found? I have talked to Angelo that was nice


  • Same here I hope everybody can make the reunion. I hope you had a Merry Christmas.
  • Hey Al,

    Thanks for the heads up on RSVPing for the reunion.  I believe I have it done.  By the way, have you had any conact with Felix Cosme?  I noticed the picture of you and him from the '78 cruise.  Later, Mac

  • Eddy was from Highestville MD, Rich Talbott
  • The "photo change" procedure worked just like you said it would. Thanks for the help.
  • Hey Al,

    A reunion would be great. I'm up for any time or plave. Va Beach would be my prference. You pictures are a hoot. Can you believe we were all that young and pretty.
    I was saddened to hear about BB. He was a truly gentle soul.

    Take care,

  • Hey Al,

    Thanks buddy. It has been a long time since someone called me Mac (except my wife). Kinda cool. This a great site. I forgot how much the Tankin 85th and all you scoundrels meant to me. Your pictures bring back lots of memories. I got to dig through my stuff and find mine and post them. Now that I'm a roll, what's the best way to start getting in touch with the guys?

    Thanks again, it is good to hear from you.

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