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  • No worries...glad to be of help!

  • Trevor, a person I just bought something from on ebay turns out had a number of "Anchors"! They are going to look through them for 72-369. I found a number of listings on there with no year or company. So, since I was bored anyway I emailed them all and told them to put the year and company in the headings! So, you never know!
  • Another idea is to find someone on here(in NavyVets) that has a paid membership to "togetherweserved". I only have a free one and will not pay for it! They can search the site for your company and year and see if someone else is on there and send them a message to sign up here!
  • Hey Trevor! I have my Anchor from the same time. I can scan all the regular pages that don't pertain to my Company (941) and send those to you! We started and graduated at the same time!
  • Hahaha! Oh well! I guess that happenstance came full circle huh?

    Just means we gotta find some other members of your company and gettem on here!

  • Hey Trevor! I just found one of your shipmates from 369 on youtube! He goes by the creen name ridgerunner98570 The name on it is "Pat Redfern" Remember him? I sent him a message on there to sign up here! He was last on there 3 weeks ago. So, he should get it!
  • Trevor, you can find a number of copies of the Anchor on Ebay. I didn't find your company. But, I did find one from Co. 371. They have it listed as a CD or book. They want stupid money for that one though $85.00?? cray! Here's that item.

    He has his own site

    That guy has a few listed. You might contact him and see where he's getting them. They are all from 72.

    There's one for Co 915 for only $9.99

    What we need to do is get someone else from your company in here! Then if he still has his book, get it scanned and copy the company specific pages!


  • Hi Trevor:


    Yeah, I thought I was going to join the Navy and see the world, or at least serve a tour on ship, but, My administrative scores on the tests were high so ended up in Norfolk, VA on shore duty for 3 years and working for NATO and not the U.S. Navy in budget and finance as SK. Actually was on loan from the Navy to work for NATO. I don't regret my duty or Navy service but thought maybe I would see something in the world other than Norfolk, VA. I even came home every other weekend since my home was just a 5 hour drive from Norfolk.

  • It's good to see more of our generation joining here! I was in one of the "special" companies, 941. Also graduated in November. We had a shortened basic. They kept changing their minds whether we were going to have to go 8 weeks or 9! It's sad to see NTC is gone now. So little of it remains. Except for the TDE-1. Our two recruit company commanders also made a life of it! Found them on together we served. It wasn't long after I got out that I wish I had!
  • Welcome aboard Trevor! We went in the same month. Were you at NTC, San Diego? If so, which company?
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