Larry Allen Johnson replied to Robert Bruce Brantner's discussion Posablly seeing about starting up a navy molders museum? in US Navy Molders
"Is this Bob Brantner from A School ?
Larry Johnson"
Aug 21, 2019
Dennis Pennington commented on Larry Allen Johnson's blog post Old molders
"There is a James Goodwin from Sterling Heights, MI on Facebook on the USS Dixon AS-37  page if that helps you any."
Aug 21, 2019
Larry Allen Johnson left a comment on US Navy Molders
"Larry Allen Johnson posted a blog post
Old molders
Anybody know these names ? MLC Chappel, MLC Dan McDonald, Darrel Bohnert, Brad Blanchard, Bob McField, Owen Jones, Jim Goodwin, Keith Clark, PM2 Larry Walker. Most of these guys were Dixon…"
Aug 21, 2019
Larry Allen Johnson left a comment for Craig Lami
Hope your doing well. Thanks for getting in touch. Did you know any of the HTs on the ship? Had a good buddy Phil Tindell.
Take care and talk to you later
Aug 21, 2019
Larry Allen Johnson posted a blog post
Anybody know these names ? MLC Chappel, MLC Dan McDonald, Darrel Bohnert, Brad Blanchard, Bob McField, Owen Jones, Jim Goodwin, Keith Clark, PM2 Larry Walker. Most of these guys were Dixon sailers.
Aug 21, 2019