"It's amazing that I don't remember either of you guys. Especially since I was an AT2 when I transferred out of the squadron in September 1960. Maybe i could pick you out of the 1960 Med Cruise book.
Paul Lapinski "
"Bill I arrived at VA 85 in March of 1959 and left in Feb of 1961 I live in spring park minnesota where I have a boat yard and marina we are 20 miles west of mpls.on lake minnetonka this is our 50th year here. I plan on attending the reunion with my…"
"Hey Paul, I remember your name, I was in VA 85 from March 1959 thru Feb l961. I was in the personel office PN3 Jerry "Rock" Rockvam Are you planning to attend the reunion. I am really excited that someone else from my era is still around. I…"
"Bob you are to be congratulated for the bang up job you did setting up the reunion and also for intorducing me to some other SPAD GUYS even though there were no guys from my era I really had a lot of fun with the group that was there. It's a memory…"
"Hi guys and gals I was with VA85 Feb 1959 thru Feb 1961. Went to Cuba and the Med. great memories with a grreat bunch of guys (at that time there were no gals in the squadron) Thanks for the email and please keep me in the loop. I would be…"
Hello Jerry,
Hope all is well. Do you recall John Bowman? He was in VA-85 in the early '60's. If you'de like to get in touch with him, let me know. -Al
I'm Bill Karr. My son Doug created this site and I help him out a bit. We hope that you enjoy it.
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