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  • I have a solution for that too! Each year different groups from different parts of the country will travel to a ship and spend a few days working on her! Next month we have about 30 to 40 vets coming from a Michigan group that will spend the week sleeping, eating, working and story telling on the USS Slater (DE-766) here in Albany, NY!

    I noticed several folks from KY on this site! Maybe you should organize a KY group! Some of the vets from Michigan bring their kids with them. Check out the web site

    Destroyer Escort Historical Museum, Albany, NY
    Visit the Destroyer Escort Historical Museum in Albany, NY where you can see the only remaining Destroyer Escort afloat in the United States today. F…
  • Tharan, if you miss it you can go back in a way! Join the veteran crew of a museum ship!
  • Welcome, Tharan!
  • Tharan, How you been? this is Don Nichols .We were in MMF 0179 back in the 90's. Lost track of you.Hope you are well. Lets catch up. Don
  • Welcome Aboard, Tharan!

    I'm Bill Karr. My son Doug created this site and I help him out a bit. We hope that you enjoy it.

    Don't forget to post your rank.

    Be sure to upload an image of yourself. You can add your image on your Footlocker.

    Click the Commands tab and search for your commands so that you can join them and add them to your page! This is how other shipmates will find you.

    Invite all your shipmates!

    Don't hesitate to add an event or a reunion to the Events tab!

    We've also started Commands for each State. Be sure to join or add your own state!

    Be sure to start up a blog post or two and tell us all about your time in the Navy!
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