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  • Happy Thanksgiving, Doug
  • Thank you for your communication. No-no problems here. Finally I have been settled with where I want to work with the internet out of. Some other things in life had to come through. Pretty soon I will have a PC finally to communicate out of. It has been hard to relocate some of my old buddies/shipmates. I also had to make myself narrow my list down quite a bit with what I really like to do and really need to keep. Hopefully I answered your question.
  • Greetings Doug,
    My name is William Karr and I am the Executive Director of a nonprofit organization developing a healing space in Northern California to help vets heal from posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, this organization is called Incopah, named by a Vietnam Veteran who passed on in 2005. I am working with several other organizations to develop this program and am currently traveling across the country to share the missions of the organization and a product that I believe will provide a sustainable funding source for us to operate our program in the best way possible. I would like to know if you can help in any way with networking or anything else. I am traveling with an Iraqi conflict vet and we are currently in Lincoln Nebraska and will be headed to Kansas City, Missouri; Louisville, Kentucky; Charleston, West Virginia and then to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We are looking to meet with Heinz Corporation to discuss a contract to have a sauce made and distributed as one of our revenue sources so we won't have to seek grant funding and be confined to the restrictions associated with those grants. If you have any information or any way you can assist I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. You can see our website at and you can reach me directly at 707-498-5010. Thank you.
  • Doug the gift thing what that all about? Tom
  • Hey Doug , You are very welcome .Who would know me if I didn't RIGHT!!!
  • Thank You Doug. I did'nt know this site existed until I went online. Like to find some of my old Boatswain Mates from 72A to talk over old times there. It was a long 3 year tour.
    Again Thank You for your comments.
  • Why thankya mate !
  • Hey Douglas im glad to on board again im looking foward to find old squadron mates and get new ones i only spent 2 years in the squadron but were the best 2 years of my life of course being a line p.o. and also a powerplant mech was not an easy job but it was very interesting to say the least,wellim glad that i found you guys i hope to read more about everybody thanks guys and yhank you Douglas for welcoming aboard.
  • Thanks Douglas, nice Veteran site.
  • Thanks Douglas!
    I work for the Bob Woodruff Foundation. We help soldiers that are returning from the war that have TBI and PTSD. I have a big heart for our military and I am even thinking about joining the Navy as well. You can check out our website at Bob Woodruff is a journalist for ABC. He went to Iraq in 2006 and an IED exploded in front of him. As a result from the blast he has TBI.
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