Enlisted or not! This room is for everyone!

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I just thought there should be a place anyone who served at any time at any command could go and throw out a thought, ask a question or gripe!

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  • If anyone winds up peelin taters, it will be me! I've been UA for some time myself! I took a new job as a GM for a company after closing up my lodge. It turned out to be the "company from hell"! 100 days with 1 in 25 off and 14 hours a day! I'm making a change! Too bad I am too old to re-enlist!

      I've been away from the ship too much also. Though I did spend an afternoon on board the USS Salem the other day. It's sad to see her in that shape. We need to muster a veteran crew for her!

  • Anyways, How's it going on the SLATER, Jim? Sorry I've been away from the site for awhile. Just got busy with the whole summertime thing with the kids and all. Kinda figured y'all have considered me a deserter by now. Guess I'll be spending alot of time in the galley peelin' taters.

  • I've been sort of following the sad process of the whole thing. The next step is the tow from Philly to Brownsville, TX. The only way I'ld be able to see her for the last time is maybe a fly-over as it passed by the Jacksonville region. If there are any shipmates living in the Brownsville area (and happen to get a pic or two) would you please post them. I'll just have to make sure to sit away from the laptop when viewing as to not short out the keyboard with my tears.

  • Rich, your ship is soon to hit the scrappers! She is still sitting in South Philly, all stripped down and waiting to know where she'll be sent to be cut up! Damn shame that a ship with her history couldn't be saved!

  • That reminds me of the USS FORRESTAL while I worked in the steam/heat shop. During unrep the stores kept in the aft store rooms were wheeled back to hanger 3...right by the access door that lead to my shop. All I can say is thank God the Supply Officer never came down to the shop. Would be a little hard to explain how the cooked ham, sliced cheese, and canned grape juice got down there.

  • During unreps on board the USS Annapolis, the receiver shack was right past the unrep line, door would open and then things didn't get past that part of the line. Usually the steaks...and other "necessities".
  • To Robert Friedhaber

    I think the Navy term for the stuff missing from the pallet is MIDNITE SMALL STORES

  • When i first got to Tokyo Sept. 1950 was billeted on a APL (a floating barracks) in the Sumida river.  One nite a buddy and i got in late off of liberty and we both got 3 hrs extra duty in the galley.  The cook had me stirring this huge vat of lard to be heated to make french fries for the noon meal.  I was stirring with a paddle that looked like a oar, when i spotted something and raised it on the paddle, it was a huge rat with no hair.  I didn't eat on there for a month.  They had rat guards on the lines, but the rats would just walk aboard on the gangway, they never saluted either.

  • we used to keep the forward engine room "inside asile" hatch open during all stores replenishments..  Coffee was # 1...peanut butter was # 2..Chocolate milk was # 3 but
    we had to drink it up fast for spoilage, etc. Any potatoes of course would slide down the ladder.
    Note: The Forward Engine Room 'inside' ladder had a sheet of aluminum all the way down from top-to-bottom. It was great for 'sliding grocery items down to the lower level.  Outside of outright stealing, I'm not sure what the Navy Term was for this '"tricky-dick, items missing from the pallet "was called?qq
  • Has anyone here ever heard of vetfriends?They are located in Mount Pleasant,

    So Car.I received an e mail from them and I'm not sure about them.Don't know anything

    about them.

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Time in rate

I saw an old post about age requirements to advance.I don't think there was an age requirement.I was a kiddie cruiser.Joined 2 weeks before my 18th birthday.I hit the testing schedule just right.I was a Radioman when they were rating at 100% during the Cuban missle crisis.I made RM2/E5 in less than 3 years.

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I'm wondering if we can use this forum and not have people get lost!

I have been informed by our CO, Mr Karr that these forums may work a little better than the "comments" section. So, I am going to try an experiment and see if we can do some house cleaning in this command! Excuse me! Sorry, I meant swab the deck!Somehow the comments have reversed themselves and the most recent comments show up at the end instead of the beginning.We have to be supportive of Doug these days as the site seems to be experiencing a growth spurt, which is good!

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