Any Navy Veteran who served from 2-Sept.-1945 to 26-Dec-1991, prevented World War III for 46 years. We must never forget those who did pay the Ultimate price with their lives. USS Scorpion SSN-589, and many others. I Salute your Bravery.....
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  • Raymond, what is FC? I'm going to take a crack at it and guess Fire Control? Hmm..

    Frank, I am proud to be a Navy Veteran and extremely proud of my country and my military service. ~smiles~ Thank you for that little vote of confidence Frank, I certainly do appreciate it.

    I just want everyone to know that I am proud to be a Navy Vet and of my military service.. just know that some don't think the same way. That goes with that old cliche` saying, "You can't please all the people all of the time,... " or however it goes. lol
  • Judith, I served in the Navy with Hospital Corps Waves on board te USNS Darby along with a female Nurse Corps Officer. At the time this was the only shipboard duty allowed for females. These ladies served with pride. I am proud to have called them my shipmates.
  • I was on active duty from 05/28/1975 to 07/15/1981 and then Naval Reserves from 04/04/1982 to 04/09/1986 and active duty from 04/10/1986 to 03/31/2006. First ten years I was a CTO (CTO1). The last 21 years I was a FC (FCCS)..
  • Wow John! Where did that come from? I did not realize I was bitching or even think it could be construed that way? I was laughing at the notion of women working harder, didn't you get that part?

    As for living life on positive notes, I can assure you John that you know nothing of me to even be making such a statement and again you missed my laughing when I posted earlier. I would respectfully request or suggest you don't go about judging other's on very few words and no knowledge. ;)
  • Sorry Judith, but I get the feeling that you have a large chip on your shoulder. I agree that women in the military had a tough road to travel, however, it seems that you are dwelling on that fact too much. Please try to live life in a positive manner and not bitch so much.
  • James,
    I try not to let it get to me. It's tough at times, I have a brother who spent time in the Air Force (kicked out after 4 years) and another who spent just under 90 days in the Air Force and my mother has their military photo's up proudly, and I spent just shy of 8 years and got out Honorably and does she display my photo anywhere? No. I just don't get it, but alas, it's probably not the Military.. but me.

    I had to laugh, but definitely agree with you about us women having to be twice as good to show ourselves to be not half bad! I have always told my children that I had to work 150% to show that I was equal to a man's75% efforts. lol
  • Hello from one more proud Navy Veteran. I served from 82-90, mostly as an aircraft mechanic. I'm glad to see a group such as this, so many think that if you did not actively do time on the ground during a war or campaign that was under fire, then you are not a true veteran, or in the very least, not deserving of any disabilities, or other benefits. I get dumped on by my own family even since I wasn't a "war veteran". I am considered a disabled veteran and most don't get it. Heck, even at the VA hospitals, I hear from workers there, including from time to time a doctor, "What war were you in?" all the while they are looking at me with what seems to be contempt and skepticism. Ah, anyway, that was not my reason to post.. I simply wanted to say hello to all Navy Vets here and say a job well done!
  • ABHAN on the Flight deck of the USS Lexington, NAS Pensacola, Fla. '68-'73….I am a proud Navy Veteran, from a long line of Navy Veteran Family…...
  • There used to be a Nike site in Pierre Marquette State Park near Alton, IL. I used to camp near it in the 60s with the Boy Scouts.
  • James, cool picture. That seems to be a good hobby to track down cold war sites. Many are still in use though...
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Cold War Service Medal-2015

On April 28. 2015 Congressman Steve Israel(D NY-3); as he has for the last several years, along with Congressman David Jolly (R-FL 13) and seven other cosponsors introduce H.R. 2067 The Cold War Service Medal Act 2015. This bill would authorize DoD to issue the Cold War Service Medal to those who served between Sep 1945 and Dec 1991.This bill has been sent to the House Armed Services Committee for consideration. Last year a similar bill went to the committee and just sat there till the end of…

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