Recruit Training Command, San Diego, California

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  • We lost one shipmate off my ship to accidental drowning in Thailand. We were on R&R, had just left Vietnam, and returned to VN after our short "vacation". His name is not on the wall, and he is not counted as a war casualty, but had it not been for the war he may have been alive today. There must be many more we lost "over there" that are not listed on the wall!

  • How about the names of those that are now dying of Agent Orange exposure. Surely they are paying the ultimate price.  I have lost a lot of friends to Agent Orange.  One just recently and another soon.  Maybe a separate place on the wall.  Having only seen the traveling wall, and becoming a blubbering idiot when I recognized the names of friends lost, cousins lost.. Hard to look at all of it. When asked if I would do it all over again, YES I WOULD.


  • Of the known dead David. We fail to recognize those that were captured and not listed, MIA's those that may have crossed over thinking "the grass was greener," over there. Did the DOD list everyone? I seriously doubt it as we had the same problems in the WW's Korea. Worked a "Color Guard," once and delivered a KIA to a Marine family in Oregon. The realm of possibilities does exist when at war.
  • We are in agreement there. I do not think they should have come back unless they do at least 2 years.. Jail time, Military time, VA hospital duty.


  • Then he deserved burial at sea - still breathing! The rich and famous that get away with all that crap disgust me! Too many politicians kids never did their duty because daddy had connections! I think that all of the "dodgers" that went to Canada or where ever should have lost their US citizenship for ever! I am sorry, I just think of all of those 54K plus that died for their country and the children of the rich and famous did not have to go! It is total BS to me!

  • The only reason I said he deserved it, was because if you crossed him, he talked to daddy and you had your draft notice in two days regardless of your status.  I smacked him when he took a swing at me, and the next day I enlisted. The draft notice came to me in boot camp. He was an idiot and it wasn't a political statement he was making.  He was boasting about how many of the people he got drafted that did not come back.  Like I said I wasn't there but heard about it from several people, including the police. I do not advocate violence because of political views.  I got the eggs and spit plus insults from the crowd while in Uniform.  As much as I wanted to shoot them, I knew I couldn't. I met up with Tom Hayden once when he was running for office.  I shook his hand and squeezed as hard as I could and asked if he remember egging me in San Fran.  I was escorted out, ex wife did talk to me for a couple of weeks so it was worth it.


  • Thomas and James, I do not think someone should be beat up for their political views! I do not agree with the dodging their obligations! In high school I was a long haired hippie and I actually went to an anti war protest in D.C. We exercised our 1st amendment rights and we went home - no harm - no foul - no one tear gased (thank God - would have hated to explain that to my Mom - she thought we were just hanging around Laurel). When the draft came around when it counted I caught 32 or 34 and I enlisted in the Navy knowing full well I could end up dead! I did it and no regrets.

    As far as the homeless vets, in Vegas the ex mayor had the idea to gather all of the homeless up and put them in an abandoned prision - the problem is who is going to foot the bill?

    If a "grassroots" orginzation could be established and vets were willing to contribute to a fund to help the homeless vets - just think if we could get if we could get 50 or 60 percent of vets giving up 20 or 30 or more a month. That would make a real big difference, the problem is how would you divide it up fairly?

  • During my time it was amazing how many were in through the legal release enlistment. Bad boys on the out side and true fighters on the inside. Was amazing some of the stories I heard from them. I see that the new "bed space," for the homeless vet and again limited. I have often thought who do they think is going to buy into their feeble attempts to "blind the Americans," to what is really happening.Wake up America and it leaders, WE NEED HELP for our VETS.
  • Short story about the draft, Our district leader was on the take, he was arrested and his son ran off to Canada and when the cowards came back on Jimmy Carters signature, he came back and boasted about it.  I guess it didn't sit to well with some people (I was a couple hundred miles away) and they beat the crap out of him.  I got a visit from the Ventura police.  They never did find out who kicked his well deserved arse. 

  • Totally agree - we did our part - we did not run off to Canada! We did what was right - back during Nam that cost was 54 thousand plus lives. We are the ones that are still breathing and remember the sacrafice they made. We have two holidays, veterans and memorial days that we remember - we need to remember every day - because there is the possibility of a service member loosing their life in their performance of their duties - whether it was in combat or just a traject accident!

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RTC San Diego Company 788 1968

I would like to re-connect with any recruits from co. 788 from Nov. 12, 1968- Jan 30 1969 I still have my "ANCHOR" and all the names of my company mates. We were an outstanding group of sailors and I'd like to share comments about the rest of your Naval service                                                          THAT'S  COMPANY 788                                                          Nov 68- Jan 69                                                          RTC San…

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