Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes is located in Northern Chicago, Illinois

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  • hello again all, and ty for all the kind words,, i do hope that my stories remind you all of good times in boot and not the bad. as we all have bad times there lol, mixed with a bit of fun.
    now days it is called whereing smurfs, ie, the sweat pants you where till they deam you worthy of actually uniforms,, ie not the real ones as you are still a recreuit lol.
    till you what, a few days in smurfs and they really start to smell,, and it allways rained anytime we went outside,, just the luck of the draw with the rain and the grinder. allways bites,, but at least i was not part of the winter people that really got it bad.

    unpack our sea bags and get to stamp our everything,,, ironically this should not be to difficult, apparently it was, as some people cannot figoure out that the square they say to stamp something in, is not 6 feet away.

    have to remember stamps, everything is backwards, i think i was one of about 15 in my division that asked for a piece of paper to test out our stamps on first to make sure we had them right,, everyone else so it seemed thought they had it right cus it looked right when they looked at the stamp, lol
    when you stamp something it has to read backwards lol
    unfortunatly we were givin such a quick idea of where stamps and where to place them, that our petty officer got really pissy by the time he got to us, so,, yes some of us screwed it up,,, later we learned why it was so important to know where to put them...
    so during inspection all they had to do was look and see the stamp and know we had folded our stuff right buy the stamp lol.
    we had been sectioned off by quarters, so if anyone in our quarter screwed up, everyone paid for it. i think some will still know the term a nuke test, for those that do not, it is when everything is pulled out and placed into a pile and you are given 15 mins to find fold and put things right in your locker. if you fail, you get to do it again, just with less time lol. fun game for the petty officers lol.
    i was in during a change of things,, we were going from lockers to the coffin lockers under our bunks, so not even the petty officers knew exactally how things were supposed to look. and us being idiots did not know how to make them happy lol.
    i have to admit after our first night of sleep in actual racks i did go off,,, seems some thought we got spoiled the night before when we got to sleep and wanted to chat all night long.
    so i told them all where they could go, i wanted to sleep and if they thought tomarrow was going to be any easier, they were sadly mistaken. again prolly used a few words not needed but it shut them up and the barrecks shut up lol.
    2nd day in barrecks, after a bit of sleep lol not much,,, and everyone still soaking wet,,, guess it is some law they have to dry our smurfs or something lol,, we stripped and put on new smurfs, old barracks of the time so had to hump the wet stuff upstairs to wash and dry them, while we played around with getting our stamps right on our shirts.
    in the mean time we were given our note books, and pens, if asked i can provide a pic of the note book i have many here, pens we were to keep around our neck at all times, as we might need them, and we did.
    seems when you do medical you need to sign your name alot or sign off on alot lol, and if one pen fails it is up to you to have a second one handy lol.
    ironically i still carry a pen in my trench coat,, some paper, just in case i have to write a note or something. lol.
    little side note, i was out in 05, took me a long time to stop whereing my tags, let along a pen around my neck on them. most of my shirts now days do not allow for it, but i do try to keep one around at all times.
    if people wish i will continue with this, as well as writing home, guard shifts, and ironing, and polishing boots lol,,,
  • LMAO Howard. I'm sorry but I'm not the guy from the Tripoli. Wish I was It's cool to meet you anyway. It's great to be remembering some of the goings on at Boot Camp. Little did we know that it would have such an impact on the rest of our lives. For most of us, it was a good impact, but I'd due love to hear from one of the blanket party recipients....LMAO. It would be great to hear what THEY have to say about Boot Camp..LOL
    Good to Meet you Howard.
  • Is that Dan Trembley from the U.S.S. Tripoli? Man if that's you, I'm really glad to see you on here Bro. This is AZ1 Howard Z. Murphy that worked with AFCM Perkins, AK1 Turner and AZ1 Degree. Yeah man, Boot cam @ Great Lakes was a trip with some of the characters that came through in my Division, and they too found out what "SPECIAL" meant. We did have a soap in the sock blanket party for this idiot from Iowa who thought it'd be funny to put candy wrappers in the but kit in the smoking lounge and when the Company Commander found it, man the whole company got mashed. That night though, we lit into dude good fashion with the soap sock. We didn't have any more disturbances from him either......LOL.
  • I know what you mean stick. We probably would not have had the blanket parties either had they not gotten us mashed numerous times. It was to guys (kids) on the buddy system and they thought that because they were together, they were special. They soon found out what "special" was like in the Navy...LOL. No more trouble from them.....hehehehe. The CC's reaction was funny too, he heard about it and let us know that he heard that something "fishy" happened the night before, and that he wanted the guilty party to fess up in the privacy of his office, with details, and gave them 3 days to do so. Then he turned around snickering so that we all could see it and he disappeared into his office. No one fessed up and nothing was ever said about it again. Everyone glared at the offending buddy vermin, letting them know that if they opened their pie holes about it, things would get much Never another
    Hey....we were just building strong bodies 12 ways......That's all...LOL.
  • Yeah...we had a couple guys who thought they didn't have to do particular everybody else..SO C.C. set an example making all 100 of us go through the routine from the time we got back from the mess hall till lights out...Couple of the guys had a talk with the "ones" who thought they were "superior"...there was NO BLANKET party...but I distinctly remember some of the words used ...things like.You stupid ************ ***** ********* ****** **** ********
    Get my drift??..Oh and we didn't have anymore problems with those 2
  • appolgize all that i have yet to comment lately,some things are happenly lately that are hard to deal with,, when i started this i never expected this responce from you all, i actually figured i was talking into the wind to blow off steam, so ty all boot sucks but it is there for a reason lol.
    appolgies again just lost a WCO-4 back before there was a WCO-5 lol
    the family is a bit pissy per say,, appologies only way to say it.
    so i will continue my boot story later as seen fit for others that want to hear the rest of it. lol.
    not sure where i left off, so will just pick up at we learned when to eat lol
    i never thought that eating was an issue till boot, i personally had only eating once a day and was good to go for 3 days. lol seems it is a bit diff in boot, and you form up really quickly so you cen some grub, lol. after 3 days in the grinder and just about no sleep, food was a nice thing lol
    ohh we did have the option of sleep and shower, but seems some dill weed messed that up as well, when given 10 mins to shower and get back you fragging shower in 10 mins lol
    some idiot thought they wanted to be ny, and take all day, i have to admit this is alot like a bad story,,,, by the time we got to my group we had 30 seconds..
    as being the elder i chose to shave my face as i could at the time in about 30 seconds,, did not got there with scruff lol,,, the kids decided to take showers ,, then think they could shave all in 30 seconds... retards...
    we all got lined up, to know how fucked up we was, some with half shaven faces etc.
    otheres like me smelling like ass but shaved lol.
    and yes i am skipping some parts, again am pissy at the moment, so pardon me.
  • not me I was the one crying I had long hair. its been short ever since
  • Man this thread bottomed out fast...Yeah Bud I had mine cut short before I went in..
  • Remember the day we were marched over for our Haircuts, I had my hair short so it was easy for the barbers. I do remember the longhairs/momma boys crying. Also remember most of the guy's coming out rubbing their head's.
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