William Gosse left a comment for Martin Lintner
"Holy crap! What's up dude?  It's great to here from you. Where are you? I'm in New Hampshire. I came to this site back in December. It was around Perl Harbor Day. I guess I was feeling a little nostalgic so I posted some photos I took when we pulled…"
Aug 21, 2019
William Gosse left a comment for daniel nobbs
"Hey Man!

How are you? Where are you? I'm in New Hampshire  via Long Island, St Louis, San Diego (yes back there again 10 yeras after I left), LA, and Denver. Been here in NH for over 12 years though. 
Man its great to hear form again. I got a…"
Aug 21, 2019
William Gosse left a comment on USS Fort Fisher LSD-40
"I was stationed on the Fort from 1976 to 1979 as part of A Gang. In memory of Perl Harbor Day here are some photos I took around 1977 when we stop at Perl on our way over on West Pac.  Some of the photos include ships company visiting the Arizona…"
Aug 21, 2019
William Gosse posted photos
Aug 21, 2019