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  • Welcome aboard! I was in the shipyards next door to the Vinson while she was being buildt. Got to take a tour of her, that's one huge ship.
  • hello shipmate,,
    not sure if you may know this man or not, but he allso served on the USS Carl Vinson, CVN-70
    it is with great dismay that i have to report the passing of, CWO2 D.P. "Tweety", Byrd.
    i know his family, and are good friends with them, I think it is only right to let those that may have served with him to know,, My condolences to all, He is being laid to rest at sea, as he would have wanted.
  • You are totally right, Glad to hear from you Matous, I remeber you.
  • Welcome Aboard, Donald!

    I'm Bill Karr. My son Doug created this site and I help him out a bit. We hope that you enjoy it.

    Be sure to upload an image of yourself. You can add your image on your Footlocker.

    Click the Commands tab and search for your commands so that you can join them and add them to your page! This is how other shipmates will find you.

    Invite all your shipmates!

    Don't hesitate to add an event or a reunion to the Events tab!

    We've also started Commands for each State. Be sure to join or add your own state!

    Be sure to start up a blog post or two and tell us all about your time in the Navy.
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