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  • Ben, called twice no answer.
  • Ofcourse I remember you! I retired in 1997 after 21 years of service. I got married right before the Persain Gulf war and it didn't work out she hated the Navy, but join the Air Force and just made E-6. I was in San Diego for three years until I got downsized. I am her in Indy helping my mother. I am planning on moving back to Va. Bch. I hate it here. V/R Angelo
  • Hey kalu, did you give me your ph number? i thought you did but i cant find it. mitch wants your number also heres his number 518 339 4088, mine is 320 232 7064 cell kunkel
  • Kalu I was sure hoping to hear from you someday! Hope you are doing well! Rich Talbott
  • kalu you made my day i saw the old gang and you too and it brought back some memories i also saw a picture of gaskill man those were the days iam triying to put some of mine but its dificult i hope to do it soon but im glad that you are ok hope to know of you soon AD 3 maldonado.
  • Hey Ben if I ever get back that way I will make it a point to look you up till then I guess we can use this site
  • i was on the cat walk when the fuel ship side swiped the carrier, i notied something wasnt right ad looked up & the fuel ship was gettin closer to the carrier then i heard emergency breakaway. so i went to center of flight deck and witnessed the crash..they had 2 that died on fuel ship
  • Hey Ben I remember you in the line this site is good to catch up to oldnames then remembering the faces.My brother lives in the bay area get out there about once every 8-10 years.Kunkle calls me about every 5 years thats how I heard about you and he seems to try to keep up with these old names. Mitch
  • Ben,
    I've been racking my brains trying to remember you, but I guess the years that have passed affected my memories. Do you have any pics to share? Be sure to encourage others that you contact to join the VA-85 command here at As I mentioned, I would like to get a reunion together if there's enough interested people. -Al
  • ya my bro lives around suisun city east of the bay. ya i reelisted in nov 81 after the 81 cruise, i went to vp31 moffet field south of the bay area to a P3 squadron, but i didnt finish my 2nd hitch, everybody did drugs on the flight line in va85 and bad attitudes rubbed off on me, its not that i didnt like being a PC cause i did. but the attiude got in the way, so they let me go, i still have an honorable discharge, since i didnt screw up or get written up. i wished i had tried harder tho and spent 20-30 yrs in the navy, so its my fault and i could kick myself in the butt, navy was the best thing that happened to me, been downhill ever since. let me know if ya get ahold of anybody, talbot is very busy and hard to get ahold of.
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