Attack Squadron 85; Official Nickname: Black Falcons, 1958–1994. A-6 squadron / NAS Oceana

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  • There isn't a "Godfrey," "Williams," or "Jenkins" in the cruise book, but there is a "Lamm" that I remember. He was E-6 at the time, but evidently made Chief later on. All I remember about Lamm is him talking about takin' a piss after sex to keep from getting VD. I didn't say anything, but science knows better than that. CDR Westbrook was finally made CO on the Connie. There were a bunch of us who made the America and Connie cruises. We didn't have much of a turnaround in those days. By the time the Connie got back to San Diego, I was a short-timer and was looking forward to getting out.
  • I'll have to check the cruise book for that, Kim. The names don't sound familiar, but I was in the Line Crew on the Connie. I was about the smallest Plane Captain in the crew and there was a time when some dumbass chained an F-4 to hatches on the hangar deck, didn't set any brake and the damned thing rolled around for a while. After that, we had to carry about nine chains for recovery ops. Talk about a load for one man! We'd comshaw other squadron's chains when we ran out. They did the same.
  • Staige, Did you have an ADJ-1 Godfrey with you on the Connie? He was my first supervisor on the Fid on '71 Med cruise. Was a great guy. Also some of the lifer types were Chief Lamm, Adj-2 Williams and Adj-2 Jenkins and Adj-1 McMillen all good guys as I remember.And Al by the time I got there it wasn't Spades, it was Pinnocle and Acey Duece only. Those lifers thought that Spades was for civilian pussies !!
  • I made it to VA-85 after VA-42 in 1967 like most everyone else. Deployed on the America, 1968, and Constellation, 1969-70. Worked in the PP Shop and Line Crew. Decided 3+ years of the Navy was enough and got out in September 1970. Smart move, I think.
  • I was in VA-85 from '67 to '70 when I got out. Made the Wespac cruise on the America & the Connie, both with the Line Crew. It was a great bunch of guys.
  • Joe, your profile shows that you live in Durham, Me. We're building a summer place over in Palermo, I was in '85 twice (75-78) & (82-83), then was with VP 23 & 26 and retired out of BNAS AIMD in '94. when were you in 44 & BNAS?
  • Yes yesterday was a fantastic time,Joe and his son and me and my son had lunch together..what a is always great to meet with friends no matter how much time passes,we picked up where we left off and that is so will pass us by but the bond we built in VA-85 will last forever...peace and again Joe it was soooo good seeing you my friend...
  • Great Day today,Had lunch today with my good friend Paesan. It was so nice to see him and go over old times. Those definitely were some great days and some defining moments being in such a great squadron with such a great group of people
  • Hi guys, I was in VA-85 from 12/71 until my discharge 04/74. Two cruises on the Forrestal. First cruise in the P/P shop and second cruise on the deck as P/P troubleshooter and QA for P/P. Would love to hear from anybody who remembers. Trying to find old shipmates and would love a reunion Al. Live outside of Cincinnati in Ky. and have two old VA-85 guys close by who I still see. Will get them to sign up.
  • The picture is my family. I was assigned to VA-85 from Feb "81" thru Jul "84".
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2017 VA85 Reunion

Time flies but unfortunately A-6's no longer do.  Nevertheless, keep the camaraderie going!  For those who are wanting or plan to attend the next reunion, it will take place October 5th thru 8th in Charleston, SC.  To get updates regarding the reunion, you need to be added to the reunion roster.  Send an email indicating your interest to:  va85reunion@gmail.comWe had a great time during our last reunion in 2014.  Lets keep it going.  Hope to see everyone there.Any suggestions?

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Locating an old shipmate.

Does anyone recall a tall AT in the early 80's? His name was Steve, but I can't recall his last name.Also, I'm trying to locate an AE, Joey Martinez, if anyone knows how to contact him. He was in VA85 in the late 70's- early 80's.Any help would be much appreciated.

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