Attack Squadron 85; Official Nickname: Black Falcons, 1958–1994. A-6 squadron / NAS Oceana

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  • Check out pic number 42 in my profile. The Twin Towers are there standing tall.
  • i think we also ran into the Aussie's and went and drank on thier ship too...that was a hellavu holiday...i think i have a picture from the twin towers...have to find them...
  • Oh Piason! Do I remember that weekend indeed. What a ballbuster of a time. Anything we wanted was "on the house". Was it you with me when we met those dutch sailors from Holland who slammed down a few before we finished the first? That was a proud time to be wearing the whites. I remember making a few bucks sewing on stripes and hemming pants when they issued the cracker jacks. Thanks to Dave C for showing me how to use his sewing machine.
  • hey Al remember the 76 Bicentennial tour in NYC what a trip that was..alot of partyin I ended up on deck w/HMS Winston Churchill (all female crew ages 13-18 ) was in 7th Heaven..oh baby ( I was 19 )..that weekend was the only time wearing the uniform had its benifits...
  • i tried to look for wally,burnout, grogan, blaylock, jarvis,dean,lane, gilbert,etc couldnt find em, may need to use a P.I. or something.
  • If any one on the Buckeye site is interested the Forrestal is down in Newport RI I went down with my wife on our harleys about 5 years ago it looked pretty good was suprised was able to drive up next to it the saratga was docked next to it if you go on goggle earth you can zoom right in on them
  • Wow Paison this site is a trip I was just reading back all the comments and the good times had like the night of your new years eve party when wally crashed his camero what a night.
  • Casano was a pretty good guy. Ruffin died because the angle the plane was in when you punched out. He basically skimmed through the trees across the ground. There was an instant of time when Casano got the wings level, and that's when they both should have ejected.
  • Mitch you ugly sob remember me are right all those bungalows did look the same,ours was shared with the Coz and Gero,they were some wild wild times and I do remember losing that flight and going into the woods to recover what we could what a bummer because Rocky Cassano was my favorite you been catching with all the sea stories...hey I remember falling out of JB's jeep on VB boulevard man if I wasn't so drunk I would've broken my neck or something...JB drove me thru the front gates when I was leaving and on the radio,Freebird was playing so I stood and dropped my draws and gave the Navy one last salute....every time I hear Freebird I think of that its funny how everything comes back...
  • I was just getting off the bus from the chow hall when they were taking off and watched the whole thing go down it was the only time I have ever seen plane crash watched as Ruffin bailed out and the seat pretty much drove him into the ground cause they were only up in the air about 300-400feet,
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2017 VA85 Reunion

Time flies but unfortunately A-6's no longer do.  Nevertheless, keep the camaraderie going!  For those who are wanting or plan to attend the next reunion, it will take place October 5th thru 8th in Charleston, SC.  To get updates regarding the reunion, you need to be added to the reunion roster.  Send an email indicating your interest to:  va85reunion@gmail.comWe had a great time during our last reunion in 2014.  Lets keep it going.  Hope to see everyone there.Any suggestions?

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Locating an old shipmate.

Does anyone recall a tall AT in the early 80's? His name was Steve, but I can't recall his last name.Also, I'm trying to locate an AE, Joey Martinez, if anyone knows how to contact him. He was in VA85 in the late 70's- early 80's.Any help would be much appreciated.

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