Welcome to another edition of the Sunday Chaplain’s Corner. It is interesting to not that there are so many things competing for 
our valuable time.

Sports, for example and our loyalty and devotion to “ our team “. As we faithfully watch them play no matter what the sport is, Golf, Football, Hockey, Auto racing, we cheer them on and get excited when they win.

Can I ask you a question? Do you show that same devotion to God and his word? Are you excited about his promises in the word? 
Do you believe them and cherish them and do you have the assurance that what he 
says, he will do?

God’s word assures us in Romans 10:9-10 that we are saved if we do what it commands us to do. It says the following:

(King James Version)

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession 
is made unto salvation.

Have you done that at one point in your life? Do you believe that what He said, he will do? If you do, cherish that and thank him for his salvation. Today’s message is on Assurance but let’s 
begin with Prayer

Heavenly father, we come to you this day in prayer and thanking you for another opportunity to study your word. Lord we thank you for the mercy and grace you have provided and our Salvation we have through your shed blood for us on that cross where each of our sins 
were nailed.

Lord, we ask that you speak to us and guide and direct our paths and that through your word today that you will speak to our hearts.

Maybe someone reading this can not say for sure that they know you as Lord, Open their eyes lord I pray and show them you are who you say you are and that you love them and offer Eternal life to all who will repent of their sins and turn to you and it is on your name I pray, Amen

Assurance Before God

“And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.”

(1 John 3:19)

There is a chain of reasoning in this context that is important to understand. Our hearts will be “assured” before God (1 John 3:19) if we 
love the brethren in “deed and in truth” (v. 18). A lack of that heart assurance condemns us (v. 20). If our heart does not condemn us, then we will have “confidence toward God” (v. 21).

It is worth noting that John uses the word “love” 26 times in this little letter. The word “know” is used 31 times, but the word “assure” is used only once (our text) and the word or “confidence” just four times. In each case, the promises of boldness in prayer or trust in answered prayer are based on our obedience.

Apparently, the key to an effective relationship with God, especially the key to a confidence in our prayer life, is a ready, visible, and instant response to God’s requirements for the believer. To the degree that we abide in Him (2:28), we will be confident when He returns. Our ready love for the brethren will keep us bold before God in our prayers (3:21), and our Christlike lifestyle will give us boldness at the judgment (4:17).

Meanwhile, absolute and steady belief in God’s salvation will remove any doubt that God hears us when we pray (5:14).

There is a continuing loop in these messages. We gain confidence as we “do” truth. We find more boldness as we understand God’s answers to our needs and prayers for others. That, in turn, increases our confidence that God is listening to our prayers, making our hearts all the more confident in our relationship with our heavenly Father. HMM III

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