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I just thought there should be a place anyone who served at any time at any command could go and throw out a thought, ask a question or gripe!

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  • When I was in70-79) geedunk was the junk food or the ships store where you bought the junk food. Just thought it meant junk in general when they started using it on the Nation Defense Medal.
  • Sorry.  My bad.  I meant Decota's ship.  Damn neuropathy in my hands is making it harder to type like I once did.  Eyes are going a bit fritzy, too. 

  • I was also the one who informed you guys what the red seat was for in the head on Decosta's DE.  I learned that from dear ol' dad, too.

  • "Pogie Bait" is a term used by the Marines due to the fact they called those in the rear areas "Pogues", and thus the "Pogies" would always be into the stuff the Marines out in the field could not get, hence the cold sodas and candy bars were "Pogie Bait".

    "Geeduncks" is a Navy term used to describe the sound of a new sailor fresh from boot as he up-chucks his flat lander type chow in the head or over the side of the ship at sea, hence all his cold sodas and candy were "Geeduncked" into the head or over the side.

    It is also a term used to get something without work or effort, hence the term "Geedunck Medal" is used to describe the National Defence medal and ribbon, which everyone gets just for being in the military, but not have done anything yet, meaning combat or sea duty.

    These are old sailors terms and I learned them from my dad.  He always said he, "Had a little salt under his foreskin."    

  • Hi Phillip, I may be wrong but  when i was in, in 1950 to 1954 they called it the GEE-DUNK and it was the place where we got the goodies that were called poggie bait.  Ron Brabbin

  •  how  many  remember getting orders there is no  more running after hours , do to  steel deck causes  cartilage Damage . knee joint made Sense .oh yea  junk food  Coca-Cola  & Other  Goodies went by  the Phrase  Gee-dunk ? as I  remember , PUGET SOUNDER AD38 A  DIVION ENG. HAD BLAST ....

  • Overall the chow was pretty good, there were those hicups, on the 81-82 WestPac we ate like royalty on the last leg home, Australian beef and ice cream! 5 gallon containers of ice cream on the mess decks 24/7.


  • Haze grey and underway, were not many other choices. I remember evening chow on the Tommy T, we had a shrimp something or other - shrimp was not peeled - the excuse was we had a meeting and did not have time to do it.  

  • Maybe thay are saying, "Eat this stuff or else!"

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Time in rate

I saw an old post about age requirements to advance.I don't think there was an age requirement.I was a kiddie cruiser.Joined 2 weeks before my 18th birthday.I hit the testing schedule just right.I was a Radioman when they were rating at 100% during the Cuban missle crisis.I made RM2/E5 in less than 3 years.

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I'm wondering if we can use this forum and not have people get lost!

I have been informed by our CO, Mr Karr that these forums may work a little better than the "comments" section. So, I am going to try an experiment and see if we can do some house cleaning in this command! Excuse me! Sorry, I meant swab the deck!Somehow the comments have reversed themselves and the most recent comments show up at the end instead of the beginning.We have to be supportive of Doug these days as the site seems to be experiencing a growth spurt, which is good!

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