Enlisted or not! This room is for everyone!

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I just thought there should be a place anyone who served at any time at any command could go and throw out a thought, ask a question or gripe!

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  • Sounds like a plan, the Marines saved my bacon once or twice..


  • OK, here's another opinion I need you all to input on!

    In the creation of the group for the veteran crews on the museum ships, I realized we were missing something that would add to it! Marines!!! Since many ships had Marine contingents on board, I think each museum ship should have it's own detachment of Marines! What ya think?

  • On board the USS Annapolis, I was sitting in the mess hall, when a Marine came up as asked if I was a radioman.  I was then aske if I could help him with the PRC 25 radio.  Well we took it apart right there, Fixed it only to have the chief throw a fit about it.  Then the Captain (Casper) came in and was just impressed that we could do it.  Now I became a Floater with the Marines.  Doing radio work.  Should have had coffee in the Radioroom...


  • Been a while since i was in a mess, but they sure beat the hell out of the emgine room. Glad to be on board.
  • I had to do a double take! I thought you were already in here! What took you so long?? I missed being on board on Monday and it turns out that Chief Smith served up quite a feast! The galley was cranking! Roast Beef , Mashed taters and a bunch of stuff!


  • Spent my fair share of time in the Mess... Usually up to my knees in... well you get the point...

  • Welcome to the Mess, Paul Day! You ready to go back in yet? Or are you already back in? The USS JFK will most likely be heading for Newport in the future. I know they will be looking for veteran crew members!

  • While this post is on the main page, a question for all Navy vets!! Please, take a moment to help in this endeavor! Your opinion matters!

    This question is in the formation of the "Veteran's Historical Navy", which will be an association of Navy vets serving as veteran crews on museum ships. A large number of Navy vets live a ways from museum ships and could not regularly volunteer. However, as in our case on the USS Slater there are groups that come in for 4 to 7 days at a time and stay on board and participate in work weeks. Yes, they sleep in the racks and eat on the mess decks! These service weeks many times also include the vets bringing along sons and/or daughters to participate. The question is, would you be interested and if so, how much in being a member of a crew that could be formed in the area of where you currently live and that crew once or twice a year spending time on board a ship helping to restore and maintain them? Also, as part of that question, if there were a period of time each year when a museum ship were to visit an area near where you live, would you be interested in being a part of(or even helping form) a crew that would staff the ship during it's stay?

    Remember, every aspect of a ship's crew is needed on these historic treasures! Whether you were a BM or EM there is a contribution for you to make! After all, most know how to chip paint!!

    Any ideas you can offer will be of great help also! For instance, one shipmate from here suggested it would be a great idea for there to be an organized Father and son or Father and daughter contingent to have their own service week! A great way for you to share with your kids your Navy days and for them to learn!

  • Nice

  • Klemm, Ries, Packer, Hawbaker and all you ther EN's will like this! This puts us just a little closer to the goal! The engine room guys, rebuilt and fired up the ship's generator engine! Purrr's like a kitten!


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Time in rate

I saw an old post about age requirements to advance.I don't think there was an age requirement.I was a kiddie cruiser.Joined 2 weeks before my 18th birthday.I hit the testing schedule just right.I was a Radioman when they were rating at 100% during the Cuban missle crisis.I made RM2/E5 in less than 3 years.

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I'm wondering if we can use this forum and not have people get lost!

I have been informed by our CO, Mr Karr that these forums may work a little better than the "comments" section. So, I am going to try an experiment and see if we can do some house cleaning in this command! Excuse me! Sorry, I meant swab the deck!Somehow the comments have reversed themselves and the most recent comments show up at the end instead of the beginning.We have to be supportive of Doug these days as the site seems to be experiencing a growth spurt, which is good!

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