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  • Send me an e-mail for yourself. I just tried to call Larry but he isn't answering. We were just talking about you a week or so ago. I was asking Larry if he had heard anything from you in the past couple years. He works here in Charleston in the Antarctic Program. I'll try to find an e-mail address for him.
  • Great hearing form you. Larry Cook decided to ruin our friendship he married my sister. Now he's family. I may be in Jacksonville in the next couple days. If I am I will give you a call.
  • Doing good here too. Went to work for the state as corrections officer after the Navy. Retired from there as a lieutenant in 03. Ran into an old high school friend who owns a plumbing company and have been working with him since 04. We are just renting right now and getting the itch to move again. Probably to Alabama where wife's family is. Got your phone number, will keep in touch on here and there...take care talk to you later....
  • Welcome Aboard, Randy!

    I'm Bill Karr. My son Doug created this site and I help him out a bit. We hope that you enjoy it.

    The following message is from Doug:
    1. Be sure to upload an image of yourself. You can add your image on your Footlocker.
    2. Click the Commands tab and search for your commands so that you can join them and add them to your page! This is how other shipmates will find you.
    3. Invite all your shipmates!
    4. Don't hesitate to add an event or a reunion to the Events tab!
    5. We've also started Commands for each State. Be sure to join or add your own state!

    I give out gifts often for those folks who participate on Navy Vets! Be sure to start up a blog post or two and tell us all about your time in the Navy!

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