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  • Also on your question of Huff,, I worked with Michael Huff , He ran the AME shop during the first cruise , Good dude, I think he was from GA . I never hear anything from him after he transferred out,  If that's the guy you were talking about. Jamie

  • Mal, This is Jamie , I worked on the deck for the AME shop . I worked with Cintron and Howard, Fuji,  Was in 85 from 80-83     Do you ever hear from CIntron, ?

  • Maldonado Good to see you are on this web-sight! I was a Plane captain with you and the gang! I hope you are doing well!
  • hy kalu well i live in P.R. but i havent the slightless idea of were Cabrera is we lost contact and i dont know his wereabouts i hope hes still alive you know the years dont pass in vain but iam sure tha we are a little wiser now or i think we are did you knew a guy in the squadron by the last name of HUFF i think is poosted in one of your photos if so let me know my wife knew his wife and they were good friends ok this time ill retire good to hear from you.
  • hey Ramon Maldonado
    I remember you in VA-85 line. In August 1980, i think we were in a det. in Yuma Ariz. it was so hot that week, that the barracks AC was in full blasts all the time, there was no way yu can control the temp. Anyway, there was a Gunnery Sgt. that was about to retire and his job was to make sure all the windows in the MCAS barracks were closed shut, he rode a jeep around the base looking for open windows, and if you get caught, you were in real deep, you know what. I just kind remembered it when i saw your postings. That was the only time in all of my time in VA-85 Line, that we were allowed with no shirt on, only pants and crannial gear, it was so hot, that the pilots would run to the plane and want it started right away, so they could turn the AC soon as they start the engines. What happened to your buddy Juan Cabrera? Is he in Puerto Rico? OK take care
  • Hi Ramon,
    Welcome to NavyVets and VA-85. I got your message but can't understand why it was posted in your profile. Oh well, glad you're here. I look forward to seeing any pictures you may have from back in your Navy days and perhaps we'll meet someday. Until then, feel free to post comments in VA-85. -Al
  • Welcome Aboard Ramon!
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