Charles W. Statkus left a comment on Navy Boiler Technicians
"If I am not mistaken, it was all manual control. Three man watch, Oil pressure, air pressure and a burner batter for single boiler operation...
Got dicey one day coming up to doc when the forward boiler room blew a tube and we cross connected. Ran…"
Aug 21, 2019
Charles W. Statkus left a comment on Navy Boiler Technicians
"After your post I wasn't sure, but here is the picture. Forward boiler at 1200#"
Aug 21, 2019
Charles W. Statkus left a comment on Navy Boiler Technicians
"I will see if I can find a picture of the control panel at 1200."
Aug 21, 2019
Charles W. Statkus left a comment on Navy Boiler Technicians
"2 July 1963
Boilerman "A" School final average of 94%. The highest score in the past year and was #3 in the top 100 Graduates.
Achieved BT2 prior to honorable discharge (30 JULY 1965) at three years eleven months of service. Served aboard the DD-850…"
Aug 21, 2019