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  • Hey Charlie, Roseanne Vigil got back to me. She says that she remembers your name but not your face just yet. But it will come to her. She says hello back. Also Cameron Dubenion also remember you from "A" school and says hello.. Take Care and God Bless Shipmate

  • Hey Charlie. Once again good to hear from you. I left active duty in 1991 and affiliated with the Reserves where I served with two former USS Midway AI's who where there  when you were. I served with now retired Capt Tim Lyon I think he was the AI for VA-56. Plus a CDR Hickman. Big tall guy. Not sure what squadron we was part of. Over on Facebook I have located one now retired ISCM Todd Trousdell (after 30 years of service.. yikes) and YN1 retired Bob "Shep Dog" Sheppard. Have a good weekend shipmate take care and God Bless.

  • Heck yes I remember Rose Vigil.  She was at VQ-2 then she transferred over to FOSIF Rota where I was station. I was there for over 3 years. Great duty station. She is over on Facebook like myself. She's back in Colorado her home state. I am on Facebook under David B. Mustard if you are interested. 

  • Hey Charlie. I remember you from the USS Midway (CV-41) I was the guy wearing the cowboy hat back in the day. You were there for a short while before I left in Jan 1982 for Rota, Spain.  Good times.. I remember ISCS B.K. "Hub" Hubbard very well. Great mentor and my first sea daddy.

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