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    While taking a road trip to see the country he was willing to fight for, his daughter had a massive stroke in Utah-- 2,500 miles away from home, in Delaware. She's now paralyzed and unable to speak. They have to fly her home in a special plane that is basically a flying ambulance. This costs AT LEAST $40,000. I am trying to help raise money with a "Go Fund Me" campaign. Until he gets that much money, they are stuck dealing with a family emergency 2,500 miles away from the comfort of home and the aid and love of family members.
    If his Naval Brotherhood could step up and donate anything, we could help Uncle Kerry fly his ailing daughter home. In doing so,, allow him and his wife to come home. I'm doing everything in my power to help him because he's always been there for me and my family. He deserves to be at home while dealing with this tragedy. To make a donation to help fly his daughter Kim Gebhart back to Delaware in the safety of a medic-plane, visit the gofundme page at:

    Retired Vets or Active duty-- God bless and a huge "thank you" all of you in the Navy,

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