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  • Bill,

    Are you planning on attending the VA 85 reunion in September?  Jan and I will definately be there, and it would be good to catch up on old times.

  • Hey Harv,
    Good to hear from you. Thankfully, I'm a bit prettier than that poor fellow in the photo. I know exactly where Lebanon is. My brother lives in Greeneville. Been married 31 years now (6 of the happiest of my life - ha ha) 2 kids and 2 grandsons. We have been living in central FL for the last 20 years - life has been good. Every now and then I think about you guys and miss being young and dumb again. Take care.

    Forward, never straight,
  • Hey Harv man I can't beleive the old names I'm reading about on this site and the good times had down in rosieroads.Remember the rum partys had there and spending money at the Blackangus what a good time I have to dig out cruise books to rember the names and faces.Mitch
  • Hey Harv,
    Now that John mentioned it, how old is that picture?
    You remember when I came up to Michigan? That big party that never happened? Even the turkey never cooked!
  • Mr. Harvey, when did you have the picture taken, the day after you go out? Do you hear from Whispell anymore?
    John and Jan
  • Hey harv,it's great to hear from you.Looks like you're holding up well,must be all that clean living.I found Al almost by accident a while back.I googled VA-85,clicked on and his picture was on the home page.I nearly fell out of my chair.You can get my e-mail address from Al,drop me a line and we'll get caught up.
  • Welcome Aboard Bill!
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