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  • Anne, looking for a Leo Jenkins shipmate from Virginia korean Era

    If you know him let me know.

  • hi girl  nice to hear from you  the molder i went to j school with that died was  ML2 Jimmy Ford  he was killed on mothers day  1988  really sad   
  • Hello Anne, you mentioned a motorcycle crash that may have involved John Glenn. Do you know the John Glenn who was a molder? I look for him because I new what ship we was on after A school and I met up with him in "85". (Prairie was in Hawaii ) I also look for Ron Mathias. Ron was on Jason with Glenn. They both were in my Molder A school class.
    I would really like a copy of our class picture. I had one but my Dad went a little weird and the picture got lost.
    What do you know about the accident that killed a John Glenn? I don't know much about him but I do have a picture of him. I may have uploaded it to here already.
    Thank you Anne for any help you can give me.
  • Welcome Aboard Anne! Thank you for your service in Desert Storm and Desert Shield.
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