
  • Happy Mother's Day To Women In Uniform, Past Or Present

    You served our Country proud and true
    Even if it took you far from home and family
    You stood tall, you did your best

    You may have missed birthdays and all the holidays
    School plays, band recitals your seat was there emptily
    You may have wondered why am I here
    Will they know me when I return

    Then you came home, and without a doubt
    You knew them by their happy, tearful shout
    Welcome home Mom, we love you so
    We missed you and were sad when you had to go

    So even though, the times away were hard and trying
    You knew you were doing your job, it had to be done
    Now safe at home we offer our thanks
    For a job well done

    Now may God Bless you each and everyone
    Your sacrifices, your honor to our flag
    Will not be forgotten, we know your were there

    So today we hope you and your family
    Can celebrate together and find some joy
    Try to forget those days you missed
    Remember your brothers and sisters in arms

    To all who are now serving our country
    We owe you a debt that can not be repaid
    You are there, where we once were
    For you and all our troops we have prayed

    Know that you are loved, honored, and respected
    For all you have done and are doing daily
    We know it hurts to be away, to miss another special day
    You are in our hearts and minds

    Thank you is not enough, mere words..
    But from the bottom of our hearts we say

    Happy Mothers Day

    Jerald Terwilliger
    National Chairman
    American Cold War Veterans, Inc
    "We Remember"
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