
  • “Let’s scrap the current idea and get together and have an agreement to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and then build – the US and Russia together – a missile defense system that serves the cause of peace,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher proposes."

    Unreal how some people trust the Russians. They, Russians, would love nothing but to get their hands on our know how on technology. This is just disgusting.
    • Damn right,Tim. You got that right, don't trust nobody out of our shores especially those who turn thier back on us after they beg for our help to bail out thier asses, when the burner is on high under it. Can't even trust half of these bleeding hearts and sorry pork bellied polititicians we got here. Saw something today that caught my eye...... THE AMERICAN CITIZEN - " The Most Important Office...... That of the private citizen !
  • Ok I seem to be having a problem posting links, so guess you will have to copy and paste
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