In January of this year, the President signed legislation allowing veterans to salute the flag at parades, etc. This was mentioned in an article of my latest Fleet Reserve Association magazine. Unfortunately, I've "tossed" it and do not know the bill number, but it is for real.

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        • McCain made a right move in this race:

          For some who disagree with Sarah Palin being a VP: Go compare Sarah Palin's visit to Iraq/Germany to nobama's and tell me who will get more respect. The picture alone will give you a hint ;) Once you are done, just do some reading on what she is all about.

          You gotta love Ted.

          John- Thanks for catching up...ha,ha,ha. Heck, no need to apologize as I feel the same way and totally understand your frustration with the direction this Nation is heading.
          • I watched Mc Cain's intro yestetrday and listened to every word Sara spoke. I think we are in for the campaign of our life and I think Conservative values will rule the day. Enough is enough. Kick butt and take names after they fall should be the battle cry of all American's.
  • I've actually posted extensively on S.1877 here.....the basic update is that the provisions that a permit you to salute were rolled into the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 that was signed into law by President Bush on Jan. 28th, 2008. This was H. R. 4986.

    Inhofe's legislation never made it out of committee even though it passed by unanimous consent.
  • Wow!
    Thanks for the replies and input, Shipmates.
    • The only thing I did not find was the approval from the President. One forum posting said it best. I would salute the flag even if this bill did not pass as I seriously doubt a "Salute Police" would be out in force. We are all true Patriots and earned our right to salute our Nations Colors.
  • That's fantastic! Of course, I haven't saluted anything for quite a while so I'm not sure I'd be that crisp in my delivery.
    • Doug, It is like riding a bike...You never forget how. Yet, I know how you feel as being absent from the military for some time, when I joined the reserves the self-conscience part of me was making me think about proper salute, Dress, and other "stuff" that had been many years since I practiced it. My first uniform inspection was "outstanding" and I was used as an example for the rest of the crew. Talk about feeling good. When I had to salute a group of Officers, another first in a long time, I felt good on my delivery. I am sure you would do just fine.
  • AN ACT

    To amend title 4, United States Code, to prescribe that members of the Armed Forces and veterans out of uniform may render the military salute during hoisting, lowering, or passing of flag.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    Section 9 of title 4, United States Code, is amended by striking `all persons present' and all that follows through the end and inserting `those present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.'.

    Passed the Senate July 25, 2007.
  • The bill number is S.1877 and it allows active duty personnel who are not in uniform to also salute the flag.
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