In January of this year, the President signed legislation allowing veterans to salute the flag at parades, etc. This was mentioned in an article of my latest Fleet Reserve Association magazine. Unfortunately, I've "tossed" it and do not know the bill number, but it is for real.

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      • Tim, I learned about respect for the flag and our country from my parents. My time as a Boy Scout and my service to my country were reflections of my deep respect and appreciation for the freedoms we share in this country. I've been to other countries where dissent is not tolerated. With each of our freedoms comes a responsibility to protect that freedom. If Obama can't pledge his alliegance to the United States of America, we certainly don't need him as President. I was sick to my stomach when I would see President Clinton render a half-a____ salute to his Marine guard. I certainly don't want to see that again.
  • I can understand why we show respect for our flag but why is it so hard for us as parents and grandparents to ensure that our off spring understand the reason for that respect. Let me be the first to tell anyone to remove their cover,stand and show respect to not only the greatest Flag on this earth but for all those who have given their all for not only the Flag,but for the United States of America to always be FREE.
    • One night a few years ago, my wife and I were attending a rodeo. The flags were being presented on horseback and it was very impressive. A man behind me started telling his young granddaughter that they were going to present the " Star Spangled Bannana " very soon. After he said this about four times I got very tense. Finally I turned to him and said, "Sir, That Flag has had all the disrespect from you that it is going to get tonight". He said, "I served that flag for three years". To which I replied, " Sir, I served it for twenty eight "! He got up and left. Some of the crowd thanked me. I think pride in our flag and this country is on the rise again because good people are beginning to realize just how close we have come to losing it because of some of our not so bright politicians. Thie next election will tell the tale. Fair Winds
  • I think this is great I feel if you have served war or not you should have this privlage.
  • I say it's about time, though I see very few citizens even noticing our flag. I've saluted the flag at the post office everyday for years and never had a comment from observers. It should not take a law to promote patriotism and respect. God Bless America, we need it, more now than ever, Nuf said.
    • Hey Albert,
      I feel that it's up to us to teach our children the importance of the flag and military service and all the sacifices that were made and are being made today. I took my children to the USS Arizona last year and thought that I would show you what they saw...

      Picture 404.jpg

      Picture 395.jpg

      Picture 393.jpg
      • They all know how I feel. When the time comes I hope to teac my grandson's.
    • I agree. It should not take a law for Patriotism nor should it take a major event like 9/11 either. Just living in Our Great Nation is all it should take.

      I find it a shame how many people during the opening ceremonies of a baseball game do not show respect to the flag; especially the younger crowd. I wonder how many of them ever pledged allegiance to the Flag?

      Makes one wonder...
      • This picture of our President (then a candidate) was not in context. In any case, placing the hand on the heart during the anthem is NOT REQUIRED, nor is it a sign of disrespect if not done. Patritotism is in the heart and soul of an American. Outward expressions of patritotism come in many forms. We should not further divide ourselves over a picture. I am sure we could find pics that reinforce different beliefs if we truly look. But I for one, support and pray for my (our) president, if for no other reason than that he (someday "she") IS our president. Not to do so IS unpatriotic and un-American. No matter what political stripe we adheare to, we need to support our Commander-in-Chief, and hope he as President succeeds, to do otherwise is to consigne this country to failure, and that is not what I served in the Navy for.
      • Tim, I just happened to be reading through the Scuttlebutt when I saw this pic you had posted with your comment. How big a slap in the face do true Americans need before they wake up. The other day I saw on the advertisements on the side bar " Navy Vets for Obama ". How can any American honestly believe this man is the best choice for the highest job in this country. Every time I look at our Flag flying high and free I think to myself " Some Gave Some,Some Gave All ". I get all teary eye and chocked-up inside.
        I get a monthly news letter from a Native American website and they had a quote by one of the POW - WOW dancers that I would like to share : " If you do not stand with what is right, you become a collaborator in acts of injustice. We need the moral courage to stand and be counted. It is about the power of one. And when the power the power of one meets other powers of one, there is a collective voice." Roshi Tome Roubideaux, Lakota Native American.
        I'm sorry if I have offened anyone ,but it makes me sick at what I see going on in this country. I saw Ted Nuggent on Glen Beck last night and he ripped Obama a new one, said he was voting for John McCaine, but he was going to stay on his ass till he got things right. And that there is a revolution on the way from " We The People ".Sorry Tim just had to vent a little.
        D.John " Blue "Maddalena
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