Interested in a reunion?

If your interested in participating in a possiible reunion, please let me know. I'm trying to get an idea of how many, where it would be and when a good time of year. Obviously it can't happen anytime too soon, but if enough of you are interested then perhaps it really can happen.Please, your input is always welcome!

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  • It doesn't appear that anyone will be attending the Forrestal reunion this year in Va Beach, right? So here's a thought.....anyone want to just get together within the next couple of months, before it gets really cold and nasty? I wouldn't mind going to a beach (now that the rates are reduced), enjoying the local cuisine, maybe squeeze in a fishing trip and just shooting the breeze and share some sea stories. That's just my thought. If you're interested, then lets hear it. Where and when?
    • Al,

      The Va. Beach reunion of the USS Forrestal is all set to go next week 9/22 to 27, at the Cavalier Hotel. I know of three Falcons, from the days when we drove spads and 2 former CO's from the jet days who will be there. Just a note of interest, both the former CO's retired as 4 stars. I have been designated the contact person for VA-85 at the conference. If any other Black Falcons, are going to be there, contact me.
    • Hey Al I would like to get together with anyone who would like to go maybe we should plan on something in the spring where everyone can have sometime to plan a get together Im up to going anywhere even thou Va. Beach would be nice say april may
    • april or may could be good for me since fed ex is slow most of the yr..if the rates are still low
  • Hey everyone;
    Back in May, Rick said he was thinking of attending the Forrestal reunion. I'm also thinking of attending that get-together in Va Beach, although my decision will be made the beginning of August. As I mentioned to Paul Lapinski and as much as I'de like to get a reunion together amongst ourselves, thir affair has already been planned with an agenda. I think it would be a nice event if we could all get together this coming September for old times sake. Any others out there interested?
    • I would be interested. I'd like to see some of the guys and see if we could track down some more. Have you noticed that we have more members in VA-85 than any other outfit? We must be a hellofabunch good memory makers!?
      WALSH 72-76
  • Thanks for your interest Paul. I'm contemplating on organizing some sort of reunion this year among us within our squadron. On the other hand, the Forrestal reunion is scheduled to take place in Virginia Beach this September. Although a reunion amongst us would be nice, it may be nicer to attend the Forrestal's reunion affair because that event has already been organized with a planned agenda. Most of all, we (to the best of my knowlege) were all within the carrier air group that shared something in common; ate, slept, worked and played aboard the USS Forrestal. Rick Cearley is thinking about attending the Forrestal reunion and asked all of us who wants to go. I won't be able to make that commitment until later this month. However for this event, it might be best to take advantage of somebody else's efforts and jump on the bandwagon. Unless of course, we want to do our own thing. Although most of us in the command (if not all) didn't experience that horrific day of the infamous fire, I can identify what happened because I was aboard that ship and slept in the same berths that others may have fallen to. So for those who want to have a reunion, are you opposed to joining the Forrestal's reunion this year?
  • I would be interested.
    Paul J. Lapinski AT2
  • Thanks Al..but I didnt go to my High School reunion. I wouldnt know anyone there...VA-85 was my third command ( in a very, very short period, I was a young dumb we know the rest ) The command was happy to see me crossdeck as I was at Capt's Mast more than the skipper.
    • I understand, but it really doesn't matter. That was then and this is now. You were still a member of the squadron and I'm sure you'll fit right in. Although there is nothing planned yet, you're still welcome. Maybe when the time comes, you'll change your mind.-Al
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