This patch evolved from two previous patches - associated with early Navy squadrons. This patch was eventually approved in 1967, when the squadron was redesignated as VA-196.  Attack Squadron 196 disestablished on 28 February 1997.
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  • Reported to VA-196 onboard Enterprise in port at Subic in November/December 1976. Chief Carston checked me in, before his LDO days. Left the Main Battery in December of 1978 as AT3 at the end of my 3 year active duty obligation. Spent several more years drilling with reserve squadrons (VR, VP and VAQ) on Whidbey.
  • I was a bit after my shipmates. I checked aboard "The Main Battery" in 1989 and left in 1993. Made 1990 Westpac/IO/Persian Gulf cruise when Hussein went into Kuwait. We made a hard right just before Diego Garcia and got to be the first carrier to operate in the Persian Gulf. Did donuts in the Gulf with fully loaded aircraft and never got to drop a single bomb.

  • I joined squadron in Jan. 1975.  Was there during end of Viet Nam.  I made cruise to Australia in 1976, and made '77 cruise before transferring.

  • First cruise, saw the end of Vietnam, made 3rd and re-enlisted.
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