old man carl

i never had the pleasure to serve on that great lady,, ie all ships are ladies,did know a CWO and he loved her,i think in some ways i am telling his ueligy,, pardon the spelling,, i still have issues with rank.to be honest i do not know about the Vinson, never servered on her, but he held her in high degree, enough so that he actally talked to his family about it, where he never talked about anything.i know that i am horrible because i love the battle ships and the big guns,not sure how to do proper respects, he was allso a plank owner of the Vinson,think i am at a loss of words,,,we all dance with the devil, just a matter of time till we meet him.i did my time, ironically redemption is a bit late, loli did have something else to say, but what does one say for a CWO, plank owner etc,, man had more medels then i could aspire to,, told kerry where he could stuff it,,in his peace time he looked to peace

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