VS-41 is the United States Navy’s Fleet Replacement Squadron for the S-3B aircraft. The mission of VS-41 is to indoctrinate and train Naval Aviators
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  • I was stationed in VS-41 from 1981 to 1983, when the squadron was using S-3A aircraft. I first worked in the Ordnance Shop, then went to QA where I became a full systems QAR as a second class.

  • The big letters on the tail of VS-41 S2's and S3's was RA, for many years.

    The guys on line would always holler "rats ass on deck" when an aircraft was approaching the squadron area. Can anyone answer this question; How did that term come to be used?

    Little known fact, in 1967 the VS-41 Ordnance shop was the home of the squadron mascot. A very large WHITE RAT, which belonged to an ordnance man named Teagarden. I know that the shout out probably predates the actual rat but, it's still interesting to know.

  • FRAMP for US-3A AUG 82-Feb 83.
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All about the old black practice bomb at VS41

          This is a story that I have put off writing down, for more than 40 years, and it really needs telling, if just for historical sake. I’m sure that the AO’s from VS41 heard this tale over the years but, never from one of those, who supposedly “did the deed”. So, here goes.            It was probably very late in the year 1968 or very early in 1969. VS41, being a training squadron, was on their 24 hour flight operation, segment of pilot training, I can’t recall what we called it any…

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