I am sure Navy Veteran's originally from Pennsylvania are now living throughout the USA. Pennsylvania would be their home of record at time of entry into the US Navy.
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  • I absolutely agree that the toughest job in the Navy is a Navy wife.
  • Thank you James that really meant a lot. I remembered while reading it one time while we were stationed up in Newport R.I. there were hurricane warnings issued. My husband, Ken, came home and said they were leaving the dock and taking the ship out to sea to ride the waves because if they left the ship tied up at the dock it would bang against it and bust it all up. All the ships went out and we wives and children weathered the storm without our husbands. I was so scared. I never forgot the fear I went through trying to put on a brave face so I would not frighten our little son. It sort of seemed like everytime I needed my husband around the Navy had other plans for him! LOL
    That pay you spoke of....wow! I don't know how we did it, but we did and it sure wasn't much to live on either. Living around everyone else that was in the service I believe helped. We just always helped out one another. I just remembered another fun time I had without him. The Newport Jazz Festival. The Navy sent all our men out to sea so they would not have any problems with the hippies & their protesting during their festival! I think the hurricane was mild compared to those awful people & the things I witnessed some of them doing. Oh Lord somethings are better off forgotten! LOL Thank you for your service James...........
  • I posted the Pennsylvania Flag thanks to Dennis Pennington for putting it up on here for me.
  • I feel out of place here since you all are the ones that actually served our country and served it well. God Bless you all. God Blesses our Military & our Veterans. Please carry on this group "Pennsylvania Navy Vets". I will try to figure out how let someone else be the creator of this group. I don't feel that honor should go to me. When I started it no one was in the group & very few on Navy Vets.com. Thank you all for your service!
    The Veterans Alliance Service Center
    Information, news, service, assistance with government forms, military records,benefits, GI bill, and the Veterans Administration from vets.com e-zin…
  • I have not been here in a long time. When I first came here a long time ago there were very few members and Doug was kind enough to invite me in as a spouse. Now he has over 2,000 members this is great.
  • I joined the Navy on June 30, 1958 from Philly & got discharged in Brooklyn in 1962. I also served in the USNR at Willow Grove from 1970-78. I now live in York County, PA. Check out our group at Guantanamo Bay Veterans. We also have a website at www.gitmobay.org.
    Guantanamo Bay Association - news, reunions, membership info
  • Hey fellow shipmates--I Leon J Guisburg AMS3 enlisted in Dec 75 in Philly--although my dad (Leon Sr who passed away in 98) was retired USN (MM1)--I consider him a Pennsy navy vet as well my brother Jubelon (MR3)
  • @ James Balla: Did you know a guy from New Kensington name Ron Jedlowski? He was a SKC on the YORKTOWN in 92-93. Oh that guy was pure PA. Extremely funny. He often volunteered to serve in the CPO mess line. He would dole portions based on the following question " Do you want Manly, Semi Manly, or Non Manly?" Guests thought we were nuts going through the line and everyone stating Manly; Semi Manly, non manly. It was the YORKTOWN method of portion control.
  • And? and then? and after that? :)
  • So, just a non-naval comment. I was in Pittsburgh over Thanksgiving. Stopped at a brewery in Homewood/Wilkensburg called East End Brewery. Neat to see someome making a go of a new business in a 100+ year old building. Good beer too. But, anyway, out on Rt. 30, where the Olds dealer was in Irwin, is still there, I think they are selling Hyundai's now. I remember when they sold Renault "Le Cars" back in the day. Anyway, they bought a small mobile home park next to them for an expansion.
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Guantanamo Bay

Yes, I am a Pennsylvania vet.  I probably haven't got as involved as I should.  I would love to be in contact with guys who I served with, especially in Guantanamo Bay 1960-62.  However, I had a lot of friends in Norfolk at NAS in 1958-60. It would be great if we could all hook up with our buddies from times in the past.  If any of you folks were in Guantanamo Bay please join our Association at www.gitmobay.org.  Have a great year.

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