Oath Keepers Orders We Will NOT Obey Full Length Video

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  • Twice in my life I raised my right hand and "swore to protect and defend". Once upon enlistment into the Navy and the second time as a police officer! Neither time do I remember there ever being an escape clause or expiration date! I wonder if politicians have their own version?

    As a contrast to what happened in New Orleans, I remember being in NYC on the night of 9/11/01, The most impressive vision was of all the help that was running "towards" Ground Zero! The vast majority of those heading in that direction I know took that oath at one point in their lives! So, Yes, it does not expire!

  • not sure who posted that, would like to know who made it, as it made me well up in tears. I am not sure that anyone serving, or a vet can watch that and not feel some sembliance 'pardon the spelling' of disgust, 'again pardon the spelling' as to what is happening.
    I took an oath, same as everyone here,, have to admit that i did not take an oath to spell properly lol.
    i love my country, it is really the greatest nation on the planet, or in orbit lol,, but the corruption of peoples rights etc, the line must be drawn, not in the sand, but at the ballot box.
    these people must leave and we as a people must get rid of them.
  • Just a little something to think about while we are sitting around swapping ol' salt stories.... an oath I took when I signed the blank check, when we all signed the blank check, made my chest swell knowing that I was carrying on a legacy of my Patriotic Forefathers..... read it agian at oathkeepers.org it doesn't end with an Honorable Discharge.....just a thought for flickering candles....
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