day-by-day_WMV V9

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Uss Missouri BB-63 1986 World Cruise Golden Shellback Ceremony - Shellback Pn2 Buzz Garvey in black vest/tan boots feeding the wogs and having them bob for radishes in the bowl.

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  • MEMORIES!! I became a shellback on the USS Schenectady (LST-1185) in 1981, and can still hear the THWOCK of the shellalies pushing along the wogs...knees and non-skid don't mix...the morning breakfast off the messdecks didn't taste all that different than normal...the certificate sits proudly beside my degrees and a photo of my son...
  • That was nothing compared to what us old Chiefs went through!!
  • That video brings back many good simular to what I went through in Dec 1986 when my ship the USS Jack William crossed the Equater. I retired in 2002 and after 80's the initiation wasn't what it use to be, they considered it HAZING which made it a more kinder and gental event. Another thing that the new navy turned to shit.
  • Ahhh... the last great days of the traditional US Navy, dressing like Disney Priates from the Hell Angels and beating crew member w/pieces of old fire hoses while they crawl through garbage.
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