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  • You are absolutely right the commute would be a killer, unless you flew a corporate jet as the pilot and made the trip here on a regular basis anyway.... LOL. Thank's for the invite. The information here shows your address as Kingsport which is why I made the comment in the first place. I hope the rest of the nine people I sent comments to aren't similar. It would be nice to be able to search by current location, but then much like the Navy was... If it makes sense, It probably won't happen.
    If I get down to Destin, I'll take you up on the MUD.
    Stay on the surface,
  • Ahoy Woody,
    First let me thank you for your service, you are greatly appreciated.
    Second, I would like to invite you to join the Navy Club I am trying to form in Knoxville. I live in Spring City, so I am aware of the distance involved. If you would like to know more about the Navy Club, please send me an email or comment and I'll get back to you asap.
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