"Welcome Patty , way back when I started the Kansas group I knew there had too be a lot of Kansas Swabbies out there ,Cause when I went to boot in 65 we had a train full ,I see that you were on a sub tender ,I was on two Destroyers But the last ship…"
"Hey Tony ,I was On the USS DYESS DD880 We helped bring the Forrestall back home from Vietnam after she caught fire ,it was a very sad trip .But She came back and moved on .Great ship and good crews congrats for serving on her."
"We were the last Ship to transit the canal in 67 The next day the U.A.R. and the Israelies Started their 7 day war ,the next day they had sunk a Ship at port Said and blocked the canal ,which worked out for us ,we ended up escorting the Forrestal…"
"I was born and raised in Kansas prior to joining the Navy ,but have never regretted living up here ,Just can,t get used to the long cold winters .Besides this is where my grand children are ,and we know how they need spoiling ."
"Welcome ,I am new here .I was in from 65 -69 ,I am from Salina ,Now living in Michigan .I am hoping to see a few Salinan,s show up on this page ,Welcome aboard"
"Hey Aldo ,I was a stew burner ,CS-3 I hope that you never had to go to sick bay from any thing that I was involved in cooking ,I really enjoyed the crew the short time that I was on board ,I am living in Grand Rapids Michigan ,I left the Navy in 69…"
"Went to N.T.C. San Diego in march 1965 ,Company 183 ,Did training on the USS Never sail .Came in handy for being a Destroyer Sailor USS Dyess and the USS Glennon ,Both ships were hardly ever in their home ports .Great ships great crews ."
Wally,when I go to your page from mine I get your page from the 19th and nothing there. Maybe if you friend me from your page on the 22nd we will be on tract.
Hi Walter: My name is Aldo Crose and I was a Plank Owner on the Puget Sound and was stationed on her a total of four times while I was in the Navy. What Div. were you in on the sound? What was your rate? I started out as a SN in 1st Div. and retired 20 years later as an MLC. I now live in Fl. but was from Battle Creek Mich. Take Care.
This reply was deleted.
Grand Rapids, MI
November 19
Petty Officer Third Class
Enlisted Rating
Ship's Serviceman
Where were you or your family stationed?
Newport RI. USS Dyess ,USS Glennon ,Uss Puget Sound
Atta way Wally I see I`am there now.
I know what you mean about computers, I`am lost on them but keep trying.
If you go to veterans and type in your name you will find 2 pages.
Wally,when I go to your page from mine I get your page from the 19th and nothing there. Maybe if you friend me from your page on the 22nd we will be on tract.
You have reached me ,I hope this helps .I am on face book also ,or I can be reached by email.
Hey Wally do you have 2 pages I`am friend on the other page. Will somehow have to figure out how to get to this page.