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  • Scott, Howard, Mattesitch, Schellinger, Mantione, Chandler, Chief Howard, Jensen, Potter, Shurson...

    Add a few, Can't recall all of them.

    How are things in Texas? I've only driven through Amarillo (Route 66, in 1966)

     "visited " Dallas several times. However that was at the airport, probably doesn't count.

    You have my email address, let's take this there so we don't bore this association to tears.

    Best regards, R.P.

  • Well, Funny meeting you here. Just kidding.

    How have you been? OK here.

    I am changing cell providers, will have new one next Friday ( 1 Dec )

    There is a plethora of sea stories to be recanted.

    Your profile contains a curious entry, to wit:

    No mention of your post-NESEP career and rankings.

    Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

    Seriously, Rich

  • Welcome aboard Rick. Glad to have you along. Tell some stories from your long Naval career

  • Welcome aboard Rick!

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