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  • Martin,

    Thanks for the note.  I don't remember that name as being the conductor.  I do remember the Dallas trip and not getting to sing for the Easter service but it seems to me that we did sing  there on TV.

    Do you remember singing in the large black church in Chicago when the director inhaled a june bug right in the middle of The Battle Hymn of the Republic?

    An interesting note.  When I left Great Lakes I was sent to the NuclearWeapons Assembly Technician school at Sandia Base in Albuquerque, NM.  Our class was mixed services and mixed officer and enlisted.  There were three Lt.s in our class who were the last of the Navy's enlisted pilots.  All were former CPO's who had been phased out of the flying program and made Lt.s to finish out their 20 years.  They were really great guys.  I was just an EMFN and hanging with three officers was unheard of.  I guess they could have gotten in trouble for fraternizing with the troops. I loved the Navy and should have stayed in the first time around.  I went back in when I was 39 and did 20 more as a reservist.


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