"Mack: you might want to try the National Archives. I would go to the local veterans administration first to see if they could help. If it is a navy service number, there were dropped in 1972 and social security numbers took their place. Doubt if…"
"thanks Ronald. Glad to be on board> I have a few sea stories and looking forward to hearing some> I,m a tin can sailor 22 and a half years and loved every minute of my time in the worlds best Navy>I wish I could ship out right now. "
can anyone help me find a name that is associated with a service number? in other words I have a service number and I want to know who owns that number. must be someway.
Yeah I know that feeling. I was a carrier sailor myself and loved every moment of it. What I miss most is the comradrary I have with my fellow shipmates I still miss a lot of them now and I've been out for a very long time
Yeah I know that feeling. I was a carrier sailor myself and loved every moment of it. What I miss most is the comradrary I have with my fellow shipmates I still miss a lot of them now and I've been out for a very long time
Welcome aboard mate we're glad your here.
Hand Salute
Ronald L. Shaffer AMH-3/PO-3