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  • hey harry

    live just down the road from ya up on monteagle mountain. just looked at your photos on flicker.good job looks like the navy taught you well. did you get scuba training and flight training as part of your photo training? looks like ya got to play with a lot of the navy's toys. look me up when ya come down I 24


  • I was on the USS Shenandoah AD 44 - Deck 2 Division.
  • Yea that arrogant obamanite, just didn't know what kind of can of worms she opened up. Hell David,Tim,Doug,and I were blowing off steam about his (obama) dumbass 2 yrs. ago when they were campagning. Now after 8 mon. of screwing up and still blameing Bush. Just got my blood boiling,& she sure enough stepped in it when she started with David. Tim started to but backed off,he knew it was useless. But my fire was already lit, pot has been boiling for 8 mon., she just walked into the line of fire. Waiting to see what Doug going to say about it... Have a good day Brother, holler back at Ya'll this afternoon...
  • US Navy 2009, David Asche and I lit into this gal (Libral) obamanite, she got arrogant as hell. Caused me to blow a head gasket. Doug Karr started the blog she more or less caused us to blow it out of the water. Kinda reminded me of when I first joined NavyVets 2yrs ago when the elections started. She lit my fire for sure.
  • I hear ya Harry, yes sir you done good when you moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn. I welded pipe in Kingsport, Tenn. and we stayed in Elizebethton, for a year and half. I loved it up there, the wife didn't much care for the snow. Yea Brother I'll take the Blue Ridge Mountains any day. Man did David and I get that woman stirred up about obama or what?
  • Cumshaw ? When I was stationed in Rota Spain, we had boomers on both sides of us. And, as any molder knows, boat sailors are like crows - if it glitters, they want it. In the foundry I had six different sizes of DOLPHIN plaque patterns, and we always made sure that we had at least two of each size made, polished, and put away. I also had an oven in the shop for making cores, and a two gallon stainless steel pot, courtesy of my buddy in the tin benders hole. I've eaten many a bowl of stew made from canned rock lobster and all kinds of goodies, ALL compliments of the subs alongside. Cumshaw ? I know all about it.
  • Yep - I burn coal. I've got a .44 Remington (replica) a .50 mountail rifle, (almost worn out) a .40 flinter, a .58 Zouave, .69 flintlock horse pistol ( I'm leery about shooting it) , 5 pounds of powder, and damn near a ton of balls (ammo that is). I also have a Walther P-38 (9mm) a Hi-Point 9mm semi auto rifle, a Makarov .380, a Texas Defender .45/410 derringer (this is my "carry" gun) and a brand new Mossberg 505 410 pumpgun. Plus 1700 rounds of 9mm ammo. I figger that when the shit pops, (and it WILL) I should be ready. Have a good day shipmate.
  • Molders were the kings of comshaw. Ship's plaques were a hot commodity for those fleet sailors,everyone wanted one and were practically willing to give anything to get them.
  • Thanks for adding me Harry!
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