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  • Greg, sorry it took me so long to get a message back to you.  After allot of thinking, I do remember you, but not allot of it.  The doctors tells me that my memory lost is because of the Agent Orange from when I was in country in Vietnam.  I got a divorce from my first wife back in 1980, got married again, raised her boys, and she left.  Got married a third time, but it just wasn't to be.  Finally after being single for over eight years, I met my present wife up here in the UP of Michigan.  We have been married since July of 2010, and I just can't believe that it took so long to meet my true mate.  I changed rates from YN1 to MA1 back in 1984, and then retired in February of 1990.  Even though I am a California boy, I wouldn't change where I live for anything in the world.  Our home is just across the street from Lake Superior, and we can sit in our upstairs living room just looking out over the lake.  It is really so pretty up here.  I hope that this fines you and yours well and happy.  I will close this for now.  Good to hear from you.  Don

  • Welcome aboard!

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