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  • No offense, but if male e6-below wearing combination covers was such a slap in the face of the CPO community, they(CPO/officers) should all go get some professional counseling from the ship's doctors and chaplains and find other ways to deal with their petty jealousies and sensitivities.  If the CPO's can't seem to shake off these undue sensibilities then maybe they aren't worth the khakis they wear, the anchors on their covers and collars and the special area where they eat, sleep and hang out(Chief's Country)!  As a matter of fact, if the officers couldn't seem to appropriately deal with the E1-E6s during the 70s-80s wearing 'salt and peppers' and other more professionally looking uniforms, then maybe they also aren't worthy of the khakis, gold chinstraps and the staterooms and wardroom that they call home and should trade places with those who they hypocritically think should be relegated to wearing such god-awful uniforms such as jumpers and white hats and stuffed into cramped berthing compartments.

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