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  • Thanks for the info Dave. If the reunions were nearby, I might consider going, as I do like reunions and talking with Navy guys that I knew 45 or so years ago. My only ship, the USS Cambria (APA36), has annual reunions, but so far I've not attended any. I've found on-line that a few old buddies have passed away since. One guy that passed away happened to live about 25 miles from my home. He and I were stationed together at Bainbridge and San Miguel. He went TAD to Vietnam for 3 months while stationed at San Miguel and accidentally killed an Army Sergeant. You mentioned how you worked on circuit control at San Magoo. Were you a CT or an RM? While going to Radioman "A" School in Bainbridge, I had a teacher named Bob Zajack. I'll never forget while talking with him one time, kidding around he asked where I was from. I said Massachusetts. He said, "a bad ass from Mass. huh?" I found his name on some website and somehow traced his phone number and called him at his home in Virginia not very long ago.

  • So I guess there was more than one David Marshall at Radioman School in Bainbridge. At least you and I served in both Bainbridge and NAVCOMSTAPHIL. San Miguel has some of the fondest memories for myself and many others. I've read a website for NAVCOMSTAPHIL of sailor's comments about The Crossroads and Olongapo. I've found 2 or 3 old Navy buddies that I was stationed with and we remember each other.

  • Thinking more about it Dave, I believe that I knew you in Radioman School in Bainbridge. If you're the right David Marshall, you had brown hair, were somewhat tall and maybe lanky, and had freckles. Like I said, I was in Radioman "A" School from July 1965 to January 1966. Do names like Fowler, Charles Tabor, Steve Aranjo, Wayne Coombs, Samuel Givens, Richard Weiner, Henry Saine, and Zenz right a bell?

  • Hi David, your name sounds familiar. My name is Frederick Smith. I also went to Bainbridge, MD for Radioman school from July 1965 to January of 1966 then went to NAVCOMSTAPHIL at San Miguel, Philippines and worked in the Relay section of the Terminal Building from January 1966 to July 1968. Remember the Nipa Hut in front of the base's beach? Crossroads and Olongapo? Where at NAVCOMSTAPHIL did you work, and from what years?

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