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  • Responding to you question about the VAT team, I spent about the first 3 month in Civic Action at Tien Sha and was sent out to several for various jobs.  I was mostly labor as a seaman but I did work with a Vietnamese ARVN amputee hospital where I was assigned as someone who could get them on Deep water Piers so they could go through the lumber that was let over from the unloading of ships. I just had to keep watch.  After that I lived in a warehouse outside the Danang Airbase where we had supplies for civilian organizations although I remember very few who ever came to pick up anything.  I was also sent out to other VAT teams on occasion but mostly remember going to the Danang civilian Medical or Surgical hospitals the most.  Did not like the Surgical hospital.  I also spent a few weeks showing cartoon hygiene movies to little kids at an elementary school. I forget so much of what I did but mostly whatever they wanted done.  Had a good year considering what so many had to experience ,but not so fond of living so close to the Danang AFB since they got hit quite often. I felt I was a little to close.

  • Welcome aboard Aubrey. Happy you have joined us. Share tales from your long Navy career. You must have a few good ones

  • Welcome aboard Aubrey! 

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